- The road to the village branches off on the right. 通往该村的道路向右转为一条小路。
- Can you show me the road to Legend Grove? 你能告诉我到传奇路怎么走吗?
- He's just popped down the road to the shops. 他刚才急匆匆地沿这条路去商店了。
- There's no royal road to success in this trade. 干这一行想成功是没有捷径的。
- The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. 通往地狱之路是由良好的愿望铺成的。
- The revolution set the country on the road to democracy. 这场革命把国家引上了通往民主的道路。
- It was difficult for us to decide which road to take. 对我们来说,很难决定走哪一条路。
- The road to the conquest of cancer is long and full of pitfall. 战胜癌症的征途是漫长的,而且布满意想不到的困难。
- There are numerous hurdles on the road to success. 在通往成功的路上会有许多障碍。
- We followed the road to the top of the hill. 我们沿着这条路走到了小山顶。
- We still have a long and tortuous road to travel. 我们还要走一条漫长而曲折的过路。
- People stood at every coign of vantage on both sides of the road to watch the gala parade. 人们站在大路两边每个便于观看的地点来观看节日游行。
- Am I on the right road to Piccadilly Circus? 我走这条路去皮卡迪利广场对吗?
- Grit is spread on roads to make them less slippery in icy weather. 在结冰的天气,在路上撒上砂砾心免路面太滑。
- Somewhere on the road to Bremen, I think. 我想我们在往不来梅路上的某个地方。
- Am I on the right road to the Bank of China? 我走这条路去中国银行对吗?
- Is there a good road to that secluded lake? 有什么好的路可以到那幽密的湖?
- The old woman struggled along the road to her home. 老大娘挣扎着往家里走去。
- Go straight along the road to the traffic lights. 顺着这条街一直到红灯。
- We pulled off the road to get some food. 我们开进这条路,去买点吃的东西。