- I had to lay out a fortune on that car. 我得为那辆汽车花上一大笔钱。
- How much did you have to lay out for your new car? 你这辆新车花了多少钱?
- I have to lie out a fortune on that car. 我得为那辆汽车花上一大笔钱。
- He lay out his view in a speech this afternoon. 他在今天下午的发言中提出了自己的观点。
- Behind the vermilion gates meat and wine go to waste while out on the road lie the bones of those frozen to death. 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨。
- They showed us how to lay out a printed page. 他们告诉我们怎样安排版面。
- The village slept in the noonday heat. The road lay deserted. 村庄在午热中入睡了。路上无人。
- He showed us how to lay out a printed page . 他告诉我们怎样设计版面。
- Word correctly lay out for a legal document. 为起草法律文件将词语作正确的安排。
- The village slept in the noonday heat.The road lay deserted. 村庄在中午的炎热里熟睡。道路横在那里,空寂无人。
- You should lay out your money in a planned way. 你必须计划开支。
- Please lay out my best suit for the meeting . 请取出我开会穿的最好的套服。
- Please lay out my evening clothes for the party. 请把我的晚礼服摆在外面,我要穿去参加晚会。
- Please lay out my best suit for the meeting. 请取出我开会穿的最好的套服。
- He showed us how to lay out a printed page. 他告诉我们怎样设计版面。
- I helped you lay out the third floor, back. 我帮你拾掇三楼后房。
- The two roads lie at an angle of about45 degrees. 这两条路交叉成45度角。
- She continued to lay out her cards. 她继续摆牌。
- The two roads lie at an angle of about 45 degrees. 这两条路交叉成45度角。
- I'm thinking about the plan we're going to lay out. 我在考虑我们要提出的计划。