- Through Heilongjiang a downstream big talk and Japanese sea are interlinked, via terraqueous join " Eurasia bridge " , execute through traffic of water, land and river sea through transport. 通过黑龙江下游的出海口与日本海相通,经水陆连接“欧亚大陆桥”,实行水、陆联运和江海联运。
- A river empties into the sea through a delta. 这条河通过三角洲流入海里。
- Ballast water exchange at sea is the only feasible method that has been used to minimize the transfer of harmful organisms and pathogens through ships' ballast water. 船舶“在航更换压载水”是目前唯一可行、且有效的用于减少由压载水作为媒介传播外来有害生物和病原体的方法。
- The Po is Italy's longest river, flowing westward from the Alps to the Adriatic Sea through Turin. 波河是义大利最长的河,从阿尔卑斯山向西流经杜林流入亚德里亚海。
- A river of central Siberian U.S.S.R.flowing about4, 023km(2, 500mi)westward and generally north to the Kara Sea through Yenisei Bay, a long estuary. 叶尼塞河苏联西伯利亚中部一河流,流程约4,023公里(2,500英里),向西而且大致向北流经一长海湾叶尼塞湾流入喀拉海
- A river of central Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing about4, 023 km(2, 500 mi) westward and generally north to the Kara Sea through Yenisei Bay, a long estuary. 叶尼塞河苏联西伯利亚中部一河流,流程约4,023公里(2,500英里),向西而且大致向北流经一长海湾叶尼塞湾流入喀拉海
- The river was harnessed at last, and the floodwaters poured safely into the sea through the watercourses they had dredged. 八年之中,大禹三过家门而不入,终于疏通了河道,使洪水流进了大海。
- A tract of land forming a passageway, such as one that allows an inland country access to the sea through another country. 狭长地带组成通道的一块土地,例如一个内陆国家穿过另一个国家到达海洋的狭长地带
- Dee:a river rising in the Cairngorm Mountains of eastern Scotland and flowing about 145 km (90 mi) eastward to the North Sea through an artificial channel at aberdeen. It is known for its scenic beauty and salmon fisheries. "迪伊河:发源于苏格兰东部凯恩戈姆山脉的一条河流;向东流145公里(90英里)经阿伯丁的人造海峡入北海.;该河以其秀丽的风景和鲑鱼渔场而著称
- Vacationers barely catch a glimpse of the sea through rocks on Red Rock Beach on Pointe Baptiste in Dominica. 在多米尼加(西印度群岛岛国)巴蒂斯特海角的红石滩上,游客们只能从岩石的缝隙间瞥见大海。
- A sea of northwest Turkey between Europe and Asia. It is connected to the Black Sea through the Bosporus and to the Aegean Sea through the Dardanelles. 马尔马拉海土耳其西北部的一个海,位于亚洲和欧洲之间。通过博斯普鲁斯海峡与黑海相连,通过达达尼尔海峡与爱琴海相连
- Recently invaded the eastern Mediterranean from the Red Sea through the Suez Canal. (参考文献5525)最近侵入了地中海东部从红海经过苏伊士运河。
- Vacationers barely catch a glimpse of the sea through rocks on Red Rock Beach on Pointe Baptiste Nice in Dominica. 意译:主标题:红石海滩,多米尼加(西印度群岛岛国),1996年。度假者抓紧时间通过岩石看到海面一瞥,他们是站在红石海滩的顶端看见海洋的。
- "There is a popular saying that Hanuman jumped over the sea through his faith in Rama's name, but Rama himself had to build a bridge. “有一种通俗的说法就是猴神哈奴曼因为对罗摩有信心而跳过了海洋,而罗摩自己却建了一幛桥。”
- The river flows through the city from east to west. 这条河从东到西贯穿这座城市。
- The large ship could not navigate the river. 那艘大轮船不能在河里航行。
- After we get your letter, we will send the package by sea through chinese postmaster.We will inform you the package number later. 收到你的信后,我们将通过中国邮政走水运寄货,并会告知你包裹号。
- The path led through the trees to the river. 那条小路穿过树林通向河边。
- Reclaiming land from the sea through blasting mountains is an effective solution,but the solution do harm to the environment and geotechnical engineering. 劈山围海造地是解决这个问题的有效办法,但劈山围海造地也带来了环境问题和岩土工程问题。