- Describes how to change the channel type in the configuration file. 描述如何更改配置文件中的信道类型。
- Next autumn, we will dig and dredge this river channel. 明年秋天我们就要开浚这个河道了。
- The channel type is very unusual, of all the types of sandstone. 在各类砂岩中,水道砂岩是很特殊的。
- Self-formed river channels tend to be sinuous. 自动形成的河槽是趋向于弯曲的。
- Believed to be river channels or canals. 相信这些可能是河道或运河。
- Building structures within river channel or on river beaches is prohibited without approval from relevant competent departments. 未经有关主管部门批准,不得在河床、河滩内修建建筑物。
- Then workers opened a freshly dug river channel that?stranded small fish in ponds and marshes. 后来,工人挖开一条新河道,不料将池塘和沼泽中的小鱼困住。
- In the meantime, inside certain limit, the limit cost that inland river channel provides a service is 0 or dinky. 同时,在一定的限度内,内河航道提供服务的边际成本为零或极小。
- The mineral water resource origins from the Helong city East City Town Bapu River channel without pollution. 该矿泉水水源地地处和龙市东城镇八浦江沟,无污染。
- Chen Dong,Cao Wenhong and Hu Chunhong, On the Threshold of River Channel Shrinkage, 29th IAHR Congress,Beijing, 2001. 程义吉、曹文洪、陈东,黄河口挖河疏浚道路风沙污染分析,泥沙研究,2001年第4期。
- Adopting imported microcomputer controller and high quality components, the equipment are automatically, stable and reliable, applicable aluminum channel type insulating glass and rubber strip type insulating glass. 该设备采用原装进口的微电脑控制器,使设备达到自动化的程度,其它元器件均为质优品牌,工作性能稳定可靠,适用于槽铝式中空玻璃和胶条式中窗玻璃。
- The lower reach of the Shing Mun Main Channel was originally a part of Tolo Harbour, but reclamation transformed it into a river channel. 城门河主河道下游原为吐露港的一部分,填海后才成为河道。
- After the river channel shifted, the discharging center of pressure was generated from the seabed erosion, on which the diapir came into being. 黄河口摆动后,海底快速冲刷,在最大冲刷中心也是最大压力释放中心刺穿体形成,随着海洋侵蚀速率减缓,刺穿作用将逐渐减弱,最终将被冲刷消亡。
- The reservoir can be divided into three kinds of layers, including channelized type, sheets-like type and f... 夹层的分布特征表现为层间夹层具有厚度大、展布广,而层内夹层则进取度小,展布相对局限。
- In this paper, the design scheme and calculation method of tailwater gate hoist bridge at power station in river channel was introduced. 简要介绍了黄河沙坡头水利枢纽工程河床电站尾水门机桥的设计方案和计算方法。
- To steady the Yellow River channel into the sea and to delay the floodtime of present Qingshui gully, the artificial outlet of Qing 8 was realized. 为稳定黄河入海流路,尽可能延长现行清水沟流路的行洪时间,进行了清8人工出汊。
- Through Zha(pu)-Jia(xing)-Su(zhou) River Channel, Jiaxing port can connect easily with Jinghang Grand Canal, Huangpu River and Yangtze River. 内河通过乍(浦)嘉(兴)苏(州)航道和京杭大运河等整个江南内河航道相沟通。
- Further analysis suggests that narrowed river channel increase flood current velocity and silted riverbed slows down tidal wave propagation velocity. 随着涌潮潮头的推进,大量水沙上溯,这对北支和南支上段的滩,漕变化和河口环境有着深刻的影响。
- The following table describes the general channel properties and lists the channel types that support them. 下表描述常规信道属性并列出支持它们的信道类型。
- Mining sand and gravel or placer gold in river channel or navigation channel without approval or not in accordance with the approved scope and operation procedures. 未经批准或者不按照批准的范围和作业方式,在河道、航道内开采砂石、砂金的。