- Due to their advantages,the permeable regulating structures are used gradually for river regulation now. 透水整治建筑物以其自身优势已逐渐被用于河道整治中。
- river regulating structure 河道整治建筑物
- Bank protection by vegetation is one of biological river regulation methods. 摘要植物护岸是生物治河措施之一。
- regulating structure on bridge site 桥位调治构造物
- Shanghai land supply moderate growth, attention to the regulatory structure and layout. 上海市土地供应量温和增长,注意调控结构和布局。
- They are differently corresponding with welfare policy, redistributive regime and regulatory structure. 它们分别对应于福利政策、再分配机制与规制架构。
- Water supply, drainage, river regulation and desilting in hydraulic engineering;Management stratagy consultation of water resources and flood prevention. 供排水工程、河道整治工程和水利工程防淤减淤咨询、水环境和防洪信息管理决策咨询。
- As a new fashion river regulation building, it is necessary to research the effect of pile permeable groins to local flow quantitatively. 摘要作为一种新型河工建筑物,桩柱透水丁坝对局部水流的影响亟需可靠的定量研究。
- And the question is, how do we establish good regulatory structure without destroying the incentive to innovate; without destroying the marketplace? 问题是,我们如何在不破坏鼓励创新,不破坏市场的情况下,建立良好的管理结构?
- Obama said that the regulatory structure should be streamlined, regulatory bodies can take on the risk scale and scope should be monitoring. 奥巴马表示,监管架构应加以精简,监管机构可以承担的风险规模和范围应被监测。
- In 1999 Congress gave increased freedoms to the financial service industry, but failed to create a comprehensive regulatory structure. 在1999年国会给了金融服务工业更高的自由,但是未能建立一个综合的调控结构。
- The design of various flood control schemes for the River Indus is progressing with completion dates to tie in with the Shenzhen River regulation project so as to relieve the risk of flooding by 2002. 多项梧桐河防洪计划的设计工作正在进行,预计完工日期可配合深圳河治理工程,目的是在二零零二年或之前,可减低发生水浸的危险。
- Works in the Indus and Beas rivers will start shortly so that the programme will match the Stage II works of the Shenzhen River Regulation Project. 而梧桐河及双鱼河的河道整治工程也会配合第二期的治理深圳河计划而于短期内动工。
- "When we get through this difficult period, which we will, our next task must be to improve our regulatory structure so that these past excesses do not reoccur. 我们会撑过这段艰困的时期,在我们撑过去之后,我们的下一个任务必须是改善我们的规范管理结构,避免重蹈覆辙。”
- "In 1999 , Congress gave increased freedoms to the financial service industry, but feared failed to create comprehends of regula toil in a comprehensive regulatory structure. 1999年,国会给了金融服务业更多的自由,但是没能创造一个全面的监管系统。
- The river had worn a ravine between the hills. 那条河在两山之间已造成一个深谷。
- Can we dredge the river to make it deeper? 我们能不能把这条河疏浚得深一点?
- Microfinance would also benefit from a voluntary regulatory structure to improve its access to capital, and greater use of technology to reduce transaction costs. 小额贷款也许会受益于自主规范结构,改善获取资金的途径,并更好的利用技术降低交易成本。
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks. 因为河上有暗礁,所以在这条河上航行很困难。