- The Design and Construction of the Right Bank High Slope Excavation and Support for the Tuka River Hydropower Project 土卡河水电站右岸高边坡开挖支护设计与施工
- The Design of the Electrical Primary System for the Tuka River Hydropower Project on the Lixanjiang River 土卡河水电站电气一次设计
- The Layout Optimization Design of the Switchyard of the Tuka River Hydropower Project 土卡河水电站开关站布置优化设计
- The Design and Construction Features of the Roller Compacted Concrete for Construction of the Tuka River Hydropower Project 土卡河水电站碾压混凝土的设计与施工特点
- The Design and Operation Management of the Crushed Aggregate Processing System for Construction of the Tuka River Hydropower Project 土卡河水电站人工砂石料加工系统设计和运行管理
- The Design and Optimization of the Crest Outlet Dam Section and Plunge Pool Configurations for the Tuka River Hydropower Project 土卡河水电站表孔坝段及消力池体形设计优化
- Research and Application of a New Type Concrete Compound Admixture for Construction of the Tuka River Hydropower Project 土卡河水电站混凝土新型复合掺合料研究与应用
- river hydropower projects 流域水电项目
- Arch dam is one of foremost dam types in hydropower projects. 拱坝是水利水电工程中最重要的坝型之一。
- Huangjinping hydropower station is one of the large-scale step hydropower projects to be developed on Daduhe River recently. 黄金坪水电站是大渡河流域水电梯级近期开发的大型水电工程之一。
- But earthquakes have also been connected to past hydropower projects in China, where dams are often located in densely populated and seismically active river basins. 但地震同样和中国通过的一些水利发电工程相关,这些大坝往往建立在人口稠密和地震活动活跃的江河流域。
- The control of Dayantan landslide near the damsite of Shuibuya project on Qingjiang river was one of the important engineering problems on the hydropower project construction. 摘要清江水布垭坝址附近大岩淌滑坡处理是枢纽建设的重大工程问题之一。
- River Hydropower Station has been built for lighting, irrigation and food processing machines. 河上曾建有河口水电站,可供照明,机灌和粮食加工。
- The ecological impacts of the Nujiang River hydropower development have been intensively debated in China in recent years. 开发蕴藏丰富的怒江水电资源在全国能源格局中占据重要地位。
- The calculation of PMF is very important to the safety of hydropower project, so we must pay more attention to it. 可能最大洪水计算成果关系到水电工程安全问题,必须引起高度的重视。
- It gives an example for utilizing tracer detecting on engineering investigation on water and hydropower projects. 为示踪探测用于水利水电工程勘察提供了一个范例。
- Another example is the 2008 central government organs last proposition of the subject: from "the Nu River Hydropower Development" and to open "man and nature," wrote an article. 又如2008年中央国家机关的最后一道题目的命题分别是:以从“怒江水电开发”说开去和以“人与自然”为题写一篇文章。
- A dam is necessary to be detected at regular intervals after a hydropower project begins to run. 大型水利枢纽开始运行以后,需要定期进行大坝安全性检测。
- The overall process of constructing a hydropower project is the sub-period of controlling and leading flood. 摘要水电水利工程建设的总过程就是分时段对水流进行控制和疏导的过程。
- It was concluded that hydropower projects construction dominantly effected the spatio-temporal distributions of water quality. 表明澜沧江中段水质时空分布受水电工程建设影响明显。