- Controlled Excavation and Reasonable Utilization of the River Course Sand 江砂的控制开采与合理利用
- sand mining in river course 河道采砂
- fiver course sand mining 河道采砂
- The river course is being cleaned. 河道正在被清理着。
- The river course of Yong River in Ningbo is seriously polluted. 甬江宁波段污染较重。
- Wipes the teardrops are this river course's star tonight. 拭出的泪珠是今夜这河道上的星星。
- The old river course has been filled up and remade into a driveway. 这条河流的故道已经被填平,修成公路了。
- The extreme effects of sand mining on local deformation of riverbed and evolution of river stretch in typical river sections such as straight river section, river bend and river fork are experimentally studied in micro-scale loose bed hydraulic model. 摘要采用微尺度动床河工模型试验的方法研究了在顺直、弯道与分汊等典型河道不同部位进行大规模采砂对河床局部变形及对河段变形的极限影响。
- Dredging the river aims at keeping the river course smooth and water clean. 清挖河道是为了保持河道畅通,河水清洁。
- Sazhi oil sand mine is located at Sazhi anticline of the western margin of Yuanmou uplift belt in Chuxiong Basin. 摘要楚雄盆地洒芷油砂矿位于元谋隆起西部边缘洒芷背斜上。
- Is the product of the same house (of course sand table or tailgate image, etc.) into shopping centres have become centres of counter display merchandise. 同样是产品的房子(当然是沙盘或栏板形象等)放进商场也成了商场里柜台上陈列的商品。
- Benin, in west Africa, has begun a campaign to stop sand mining, the United Nations-affiliated IRIN news service reports. 据联合国地区综合信息网(IRIN)报道, 西非国家贝宁将大规模停止采砂。
- Enclosing river courses for cultivation is prohibited. 禁止围垦河道。
- sand mining in the Yangtze River 长江采砂
- The groundwater mostly is replenished by river courses. 地下水是由河流提供的。
- This is the Albian Sands mine on the Athabasca River reserves, the concession Shell and its partners are exploiting. 在阿萨巴斯卡河流这片油砂储备区,已获得开采权的壳牌公司和它的合作者们正在开采阿尔必阶的油砂矿。
- Major changes in a river course result in both lateral shifts of the old meander belt and in the development of new belts. 河道中大的变动,造成老河曲带的侧向迁移和新河曲带的产生。
- Construct dykes along the main river course of the Tarim to channel water through the inland delta down to the lower reaches. River branches are cut off. 沿着塔里木河干流建堤坝,把水通过中游的内陆三角洲送到下游。塔里木内陆三角洲的支流被打断了。
- From serious to weak, the mirofacies are in turn distributary interchannel,levee, far bar distributary river course and debouch bar. 按照非均质性的强弱,这些微相依次为分流间湾、天然堤、远砂坝、水下分流河道和河口砂坝。
- Along with further harness of wandering river sections, flood pressure is alleviated, but negative impact brought by river course harness has appeared. 随着游荡性河段的进一步治理,河段的防洪压力有所下降,然而河道整治工程带来的负面影响也逐渐表现出来。