- NOTE: Risk management typically includes risk assessment, risk treatment, risk acceptance and risk communication. 注:风险管理活动一般包括风险评估、风险处理、风险接受和风险沟通。
- It forms the basis of risk communication and management in a risk-based food safety control model. 在以风险评估为本的食物安全管制模式中,风险传达和处理是根据风险评估来进行。
- It forms the basis of risk communication and risk management in a risk-based food safety control model. 在以风险为本的食物安全管制模式中,风险传达和风险处理是根据风险评估来进行。
- Wide ranges of "vascular age" are available for most chronological ages to assist with risk communication. “血管年龄”的宽大范围有利于实足年龄对风险联络的协助。
- To strengthen risk communication by the CHP, a panel of experts is appointed to form the Risk Communication Advisory Group. 为改善风险传达机制,生防护中心已委任一由专家组成的风险传达顾问小组。
- The components of risk analysis described in that article are hazard identification, risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. 该节中风险分析的内容包括危害确定、风险评估、风险管理和风险交流。
- The components of risk analysis described in that article are hazard identification, risk assessment, risk management. and risk communication. 该节中风险分析的内容包括危害确定、风险评估、风险管理和风险交流。
- The proposed FDA move, contends David Ropiek, director of risk communication at the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, would needlessly limit an already strained donor supply. 对fda已提出的动议,哈佛风险分析中心风险交流部主任大卫 - 罗匹克认为没必要限制已筛选过的供体。
- The Risk Communication Section facilitates the interactive exchange and active participation of relevant stakeholders on two fronts - upholding food safety and controlling disease vectors. 风险传达组在确保食物安全和监控病媒方面,促进和加强有关人士互相交流,并鼓励他们积极参与。
- Establishment of the new Risk Communication Adisory Committ ee stems from the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) 2006 report, The Future of Drug Safety: Promoting and Protecting the Health of the Public. 风险沟通咨询委员会的建立来源于医学会(IOM) 2006年的报告。
- Mass media represent, expose and define the latent risks, and should reduce or avoid the paradox of risk communication, eliminate the centricity of risk discourses. 传媒具有风险认知和沟通功能,预测、现隐形的风险并对现实危机进行“定义”、冠名,”以提高不同文化背景下的人们对同一危机的“在场感”以及经验、知的相互交流。
- This is not necessarily such a bad thing, says Peter Sandman, a risk communications consultant based in Princeton, N. Peter Sandman,一位来自新泽西州普林斯顿的风险咨询顾问,认为这样的做法不无道理。
- Risk Communication Corporate Planning Unit 风险传达及整体筹划组
- The DH will continue to adopt an intersectoral and multidisciplinary approach to gear up community efforts, through responsive risk communication, to prepare for the influenza pandemic. 生署会继续透过跨界别及多元化合作在社会上加强推动力,藉风险传达作出适时回应,为流感大流行作出防备。
- I don't want to run the risk of meeting John. 我可不想冒遇见约翰的危险。
- He knew he was running the risk for the people. 他如道,他冒这危险是为了人民。
- Nobody can prevent him from running the risk. 没有人能够阻止他去冒险。
- I beg of you not to run the risk. 我求你去冒这个险。
- Don't risk any money on oil stock. 不要在石油股票上冒险。
- Join in with us and take the risk. 来和我们一起冒这次风险吧。