- The peaks rise steeply into the clouds. 高耸入云的山峰峭立在云端。
- The tower rises steeply from the flat ground. 那座塔陡峭地自平地耸起。
- In this area mountains rise steeply and rivers crisscross. 这一地区奇峰陡立,河流纵横。
- Even with static population, consumption rose steeply. 即便人口保持稳定,消费亦大幅增加。
- Unemployment seems likely to rise steeply before wages start to adjust. 而在开始调整工资前,失业率似乎就可能飙升。
- The ground rose steeply all around. 这块地方四周都是陡坡。
- The road rises steeply from the village. 道路从村庄旁开始陡峭地上升。
- The price of vegetables has risen steeply. 蔬菜的价格猛涨。
- The land rises steeply to the left. 这块地左边陡峭地上升。
- At the sides of the well the magnetic field lines are quite high and rise steeply above the galactic plane. 在井的四边,磁力线相当高,并急剧地升到银道面以上。
- "The official death toll stands at 181, but is expected to rise steeply as the operation to recover bodies continues. “陆克文总理说,官方统计的死亡人数是181,但是随着手术(的进行),这个数目还将急剧上升。
- Like all great change, the rise steeply of small penguin also lets a few jubilate a few anxious. 与所有巨变一样,小企鹅的扶摇直上也让几家欢喜几家愁。
- The hills first rose steeply then flattened out towards the sea. 山峦起初拔地而起,然后逐渐平坦,伸向大海。
- Unless interest rates rise steeply, says Alex Bannister, the Nationwide's group economist, there is enough pent-up demand to stop prices collapsing. 表示,除非利率快速上升,不然就有足够的需求来阻止房价的崩溃,这些需求被压抑已久。
- There are predictions that unemployment will rise steeply and along with the mining industry, the housing sector will also suffer. 有人预计,失业率将急剧上升,并且伴随矿业不景气,房地产业也将受到打击。
- Gap after Hill, the rocks rise steeply on both sides, as long as Barry called Montenegro, based onjia yu shi yan on here. 山后有峡,两面岩石壁立,长达百里,叫黑山,嘉峪石砚就取材于这里。
- Mr Rein expects diamond sales in China to rise 15-20 per cent per year, and high-end red wine sales to rise steeply too. 小山预计,中国的钻石销售每年将增长15%25至20%25,优质红酒的销售也将大幅飙升。
- The mountain rise up in a steep wall of rock. 这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。
- Yunmeng hill at the southern end of the mountain valley, north-south rise steeply cliff, very strategically located and difficult terrain, is an important north-south trafficlv liang shan one pass. 云梦山南端的山神峪,南北山崖壁立,地势十分险要,是吕梁山南北交通的重要隘口之一。
- Valley walls rise steeply five or six thousand feet on every side.The columns crawl through a maze of giant corridors down which fierce snow-fed torrents foam under skies of brass. 峡谷两侧峭壁耸起五六千英尺高,很多柱子匍匐在一个迷宫般的巨型走廊里,在其下面是那在黄铜色天空下翻腾着的积雪融化的汹涌激流。