- He rises to the bait every time. 他每次都入圈套。
- As soon as I mentioned money he rose to the bait, and became really interested. 我一提钱他便怦然心动,上了我的钩。
- It was Julius Badrutt who rose to the bait first. 正是这位尤利乌斯·巴德鲁特首先上了钩。
- As soon as I mentioned money he rose to the bait. 我一提钱,他就上钩了。
- Mr. Zhao again rose to the bait set by the guys. 赵先生又上了那帮人的圈套了。
- They offered a good salary, but I didn't rise to the bait. 他们提供给我的薪金很优厚,但是我没有中(们的)套。
- He got nothing today because the fish refuse to rise to the bait. 鱼不肯上钩,他今天是一无所获。
- Ah Q would rise to the bait as usual, and glare furiously. 阿Q照例地发了怒, 他怒目而视了。
- The lawyer for the prosecution asked the defendant a number of leading questions,but he refused to rise to the bait. 负责起诉的律师向被告提出一系列诱导口供的问题,但他始终不落入圈套。
- The lawyer for the prosecution asked the defendant a number of leading questions, but he refused to rise to the bait. 负责起诉的律师向被告提出一系列诱导口供的问题,但他始终不落入圈套。
- There are a lot of fish in the river,and good flies on my line,but the fish are getting clever and refuse to rise to the bait today. 河里的鱼很多,我钩钩上的苍蝇诱饵也不错,可是鱼儿变聪明了,今天就是不上钩。
- Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours. 她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语。
- There are a lot of fish in the river, and good flies on my line, but the fish are getting clever and refuse to rise to the bait today. 河里的鱼很多,我钩钩上的苍蝇诱饵也不错,可是鱼儿变聪明了,今天就是不上钩。
- Frank Lampard has warned his Chelsea team-mates not to rise to the bait dangled by jealous rivals desperate to undermine the Barclays Premiership champions. 弗兰克兰帕德警戒他的切尔西队友们不要上了那些嫉妒的竞争者们企图瓦解切尔西的当。
- As soon as I mention money he rises to the bait,and becomes really interested. 我一提钱他便怦然心动,上了我的钩。
- We went to the bait shop to buy some tackle. 我们到渔具用品店买了几样钓具。
- The child was trapped into making the vital information rise to the surface. 这个孩子终于上当,把那个重要信息泄露了出去。
- She always rises to the bait when I deliberately provoke her with unkind remarks about her favourite pop group. 每当我故意讲她喜爱的流行歌星的坏话激怒她时,她总是上当。
- The submarine rose to the surface. 潜艇露出了水面。
- When we talk about cars,I always say that I prefer foreign ones just to annoy Peter. He rises to the bait every time. 我们谈论汽车时,我总是说我喜欢洋货。我只是以此来气彼得,而他竟每次都信以为真,怪好笑的。