- He often dreams of a rapid rise to fame. 他常梦想一举成名。
- The book charts her rise to fame as an actress. 这本书记述了她作为演员的成名史。
- The rise to fame was swift. Television cameras and newspapers carried the news to everyone in the country. 这条新闻具有全国性的重要意义,因为这一对贫穷夫妇成了美国仅有的五胞胎的父母。
- She rose to fame out of nowhere. 她莫名其妙地就出名了。
- Oprah winfrey is a black woman whose rise to fame is an inspiring story. 奥普拉温弗里是个黑人妇女,她的成名故事很鼓舞人心。
- Until his meteoric rise to fame, he has never been outside the China. 在他迅速成名之前,他从来没有出过中国国门。
- Chow Yun-fat rose to fame in Hongkong with gangster movies. 周润发在香港因为出演黑帮片而声名鹊起。
- Lincoln is an instance of a poor boy who rose to fame. 林肯是一个由穷小子一跃而成名的例子。
- In this major new biography, acclaimed author Laurence Leamer tells the inside story of Arnold's remarkable rise to fame and power. 怎么结束美国资本集团玩弄世界经济和无偿掠夺世界财富的局面?这些都是很值得大家共同深究的问题。
- Spears has written a memoir, "Through The Storm" which is being published this week, about the rise to fame of her daughters. 此前布布妈写了本书名叫“经历风雨”在这一周将开始发行,涉及她女儿们的名誉恢复。
- Many great men rose from obscurity to fame. 许多伟人都是从卑微变得有名望的。
- His friends cherished great confidence on his works before he rose to fame. 在这位音乐家成名之前,他的朋友们都对他的作品充满信心。
- The rise to fame was swift. 这一家迅速出了名。
- Many unknown writers aspire to fame. 许多不知名的作家渴望成名。
- Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing-match when he was only fourteen years old. 年仅14岁的门杜萨参加了一次拳击比赛之后就很快出名了。
- His rise to power was very rapid. 他很快掌握了大权。
- You play the part of Geoff Rowlwey, the star of the Vans team and presently one of the best skateboarders (voted best skateboarder of 2001 by Thrasher magazine).Experience his incredible rise to fame! 你会慢慢发现,原来周围的事物都可以成为加分的道具,而高难度的动作也随着自己的熟能生巧而信手拈来。
- The 21-year-old singer, who rose to fame on the back of her MySpace page, presented herself to police yesterday. 这位靠着MySpace上的主页而声名鹊起的21岁女歌手昨日前往警方报道。
- Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours. 她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语。
- Nico first rose to fame as a European supermodel, also landing a bit part in Fellini's La Dolce Vita film. 起初,尼可成为欧洲的超级模特并饰演了电影Fellini's La Dolce Vita 而小有名气。