- rise of real estate price 房价上涨
- The personnel of real estate price evaluation are classified as the master valuator of real estate and the valuator of real estate. 房地产价格评估人员分为房地产估价师和房地产估价员。
- Yin allegory analysts believe that this project will be the middle of real estate prices more favourable. 分析师尹喻认为,这将对中间段价格的房地产项目比较有利。
- Funafuti recently to plan the purchase of real estate advice to Songjiang regional real estate prices, a plate of investigation. 福纳咨询地产最近对计划购房者对松江区域楼盘的价格、板块等问题进行了调研。
- As a brand new service industry, real estate broking makes much contribution to development of real estate industry and rising of living standard. 房地产经纪业作为房地产市场不可或缺的流通服务行业,为房地产业的发展和人们生活水平的提高作出了诸多积极的贡献。
- I will complete the first level of real estate prices in the assessment of agencies registered nearly 1,000 real estate valuers credit files. 我会首先完成了在一级房地产价格评估机构注册的近1000名房地产估价师信用档案。
- After a year of struggle in property prices, the real estate industry and outside of the rising trend of real estate prices is no longer a apprehensively. 在经历了一年的房地产价格之争后,房地产业界内外对房地产价格的上涨走势已不再存有悬念。
- Research on the Features of Real Estate Price in Taiyuan City 太原市房地产价格特征研究
- It"s a prime hunk of real estate. 这是真实时期主要的一大块。
- This idea of real estate in the capital under the guidance of Beijing to observe areas of real estate prices bottomed out in the first phenomenon, and naturally some more sober, less a bit confused. 在首都房地产这一理念的指导下,再观察北京地区房产价格率先见底回升的现象,自然也就多了一些清醒,少了几分困惑。
- Theory of real estate taxation II. 房地产税收论2。
- Queens School of Real Estate, Inc. 皇后地产学校。
- I make the round of real estate agents. 我去各处不动产中介店。
- Overall, prices of real estate are still rising. 总的说来,房价还是在上涨。
- Regulations of Shenyang City on Control and Management of Real Estate Price 沈阳市房地产价格调控管理规定
- Improve the Qualification System of Real Estate Price Evaluation Practitioners 对完善房地产价格评估人员执业资格制度的思考
- Analysis to the Relation Between Land Bidding, Auction, Selling and Price Rising of Real Estate Market in Hangzhou City 土地招标拍卖出让与杭州市房地产价格上涨关系研究
- The business of real estate is thought to be profitable. 房地产生意被认为是有利可图的。
- Dangerous bubble controversy in the outcome of real estate bubble? 危险的泡沫争论房地产泡沫的结局在哪里?
- Is the beauty of real estate options chosen real estate or beauty? 是房地产选择了美女还是美女选择了房地产?