- Ordinarily, the rip cord of the emergency chute is pulled if the main chute fails to open in the normal 4-second period. 一般来说,如果主伞包未在通常的4秒后打开,就可以拉开备用伞的开伞索了。
- The machine is used to rip up the documents. 这台机器使用来搅碎旧布并为织出新布提供纤维的。
- My cat have its ear rip open by a dog. 我的猫的耳朵被狗咬破了。
- He tied up the packages well with heavy cord. 他用粗绳子把那几包东西结实地捆好。
- That hooligan liked ripping off when he could. 那个阿飞喜欢偷窃,只要一有机会他就动手。
- He tied the package with a cord. 他用绳子把包裹扎紧。
- He wrote me some ripping letters. 他写给了我一些妙不可言的信。
- We tied up both package well with heavy cord. 我们用粗绳把所有包裹捆扎妥当。
- Exhibiting short, jumbled waves, as a tidal rip. 波浪起伏的显示短而杂乱的波浪的,比如在海潮中
- She sewed up the rip in his sleeve. 她缝好了他衣袖上的裂口。
- Dad told me to cord those back numbers. 爸爸叫我把那些过期期刊捆好。
- She bound the parcel with a cord. 她用细绳捆绑包裹。
- Don't trust him; he will rip up a contract as soon as it's signed. 别信任他,合同一签订他就会撕毁的。
- ripping cord 开降绳
- See those lions ripping into the bodies of the animals. 瞧那些狮子在撕咬那些动物的尸体。
- The dancer could kick over a cord four feet from the ground. 这位舞蹈家能把脚举到离地4英尺的绳索上面。
- A narrow flat braid or rounded cord of fabric used for trimming. 嵌芯辫带一种狭长的扁穗带或织物软线。用作装饰
- rip cord 开降绳
- The truck is ripping through a busy street. 卡车在一条热闹的大街上疾驶而过。
- Material, such as cord or thread, used to lash or bind parts. 用来抽打的绳索用于鞭笞或捆缚部件的材料,如线或绳