- His lips contorted into a grimace. 他的嘴唇歪扭成怪相。
- I like the luscious taste of ripe peaches. 我喜欢熟桃的香甜味。
- An involuntary of joy escaped from her lips. 她那情不自禁的喜悦脱口而出。
- Are the apples ripe enough to eat yet? 这些苹果已经熟了吗?
- These apples are not ripe; they are sour. 这些苹果不熟,是酸的。
- The little boy used to push out his lower lip. 那个小孩以前老要撅起下嘴唇。
- He kicked in at the ripe old age of90. 他在九十高龄时去世。
- She can flummox anybody by the lip. 她能把任何人数落得狼狈不堪。
- The secret slipped from his lips. 他不小心泄漏了秘密。
- Ripe apples are beginning to fall off the trees. 成熟的苹果开始从树上落下来了。
- Bursting apart, as some seed pods when ripe. 爆裂的,如一些荚果成熟时
- He paid only lip service to the dictator. 他只以空洞的应酬话对付那个独裁者。
- The time is ripe for a new foreign policy. 采用新外交政策的时机已成熟。
- The branches were weighed down with ripe apples. 苹果成熟了把树枝都压弯了。
- His acceptance by Harvard University is on everyone's lips. 大家都在谈论他被哈佛大学录取的事。
- His lips worked as he tried to swallow the food. 他使劲儿把食物咽下去,嘴唇都扭曲起来。
- His lips could hardly frame the words. 他几乎说不出话来。
- She compressed her lips and kept silent. 她紧闭嘴唇,一声不吭。
- The lips of the wise disperse knowledge. 智者之口传播知识。
- Her lips were parted in a half smile. 她张开嘴微微一笑。