- The enemy was surrounded ring upon ring. 敌人陷入重重包围。
- In late autumn, ring upon ring of woods tinted with deep red constitute a beautiful scenery beyond words. 深秋时节,层林尽染的景象美不胜收。
- Dimples diffuse annularly on the surface of water.The shadows of leaves and flowers with the lipper undulate, ring upon ring. 涟漪在平静的水面上一圈圈扩散开去,投在水面上荷花和荷叶的影子这时此起彼伏,层层叠叠。
- The faraway mountains were interspersed with bamboo groves and pine forests, and covered by paddy terrace ring upon ring. 远处的山峰间点缀着片片竹林和松树林,还有层层水稻梯田。
- Maintains quality testing center adopt maintain with measure machine double quality testing, Ring upon ring check for consumer supplies profession disburden service. 维修质检中心采用维修与测机双重质检,层层把关为客户提供专业放心的服务。
- Avoid ring upon ring examine and approve's tedious, Enhances efficiency, And makes your expense much clear, Clear, Let your preferable control and weave your budget. 避免了层层审批的繁琐,增强工作效率,并且使您的费用更加透明、清晰,让您的更好的控制和编制您的预算。
- Strictly quality testing: Maintains quality testing center adopt maintain with measure machine double quality testing, Ring upon ring check for consumer supplies profession disburden service. 严格质检: 维修质检中心采用维修与测机双重质检,层层把关为客户提供专业放心的服务。
- Strictly quality testing: Company with maintain quality testing department and accessory product quality testing department, Ring upon ring check for consumer supplies profession disburden service. 严格质检: 公司设有维修质检部和配件产品质检部,层层把关为客户提供专业放心的服务。
- He gaged a diamond ring upon the speed of his car. 他以一枚钻石戒指打赌他的汽车的速度。
- The enemy was surrounded ring upon ringby our army. 敌人被我军层层包围。
- He gaged a costly ring upon the speed of his greyhound. 他押上一只昂贵的戒指以示他猎犬的速度。
- spring's unconsciously coming. looking upto the cloud in sky, what's i feeling now? whether the water waves ring upon ring popples becaue of your appearance? 春天在不知不觉中到来,静静眺望着那片云的我此时心情又如何?你的出现是否在我的心中荡起一层层水波......
- ring upon ringadv. 响铃落幕(结束)
- be encircled ring upon ring 陷入重重包围
- surround ring upon ring 层层包围
- They place a silver ring upon the boy's hand, and a golden circlet upon his brow, and proclaim him the Light of Heaven, 明约卡(Minjochka), eleven times Emperor. 然后,他们往男孩手指上戴了一个银戒指,在他额头上戴了一个金头箍,宣布他为天堂之光,明约卡(Minjochka),帝王十一世。
- The seal or signet ring upon the right hand symbolized authority, and as such it was a precious possession which its owner would never part with (cf.Jer. 22:24). 在手上带印的戒子象徵权柄,是一项珍贵的财产,是财产的主人绝不会舍弃的(参耶22:24)。
- rang upon ringadv. 响铃落幕(结束)
- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了。
- The blare of the speaker burst upon our ears. 扩音器的噪音突然传进我们的耳中。