- Second, you have to be in the right system. 第二,你必须身处一个合适的战术体系中。
- Intellectual property right system challenge and countermeasure II. 知识产权制度挑战与对策2。
- Texas has gradually set up a surface water rights system in the past 100 years. 在过去的100多年中,美国得克萨斯州逐步建立了一套地表水水权制度。
- She apparently took pains to convince him that she had adopted the right system. 她显然竭力使他相信她采取了一套正确的办法。
- Zhang Xiaoshan, Yuan Peng. Studies on the property rights system of cooperative shares enterprises in rural areas. [张晓山;苑鹏等.;农村股份合作制企业产权制度研究
- The Reform and Adaptation of Land Property Right System in Rural Areas of China after the Foundation of P.R.C. 建国后中国农村土地产权制度的改革与变通。
- The article analysis the legislation actuality and gives some suggestions on Water Right System. 本文试图通过分析我国水权制度立法现状,并就进一步完善我国水权制度的立法提出了若干建议。
- But the theory and practice is scanty, especial in legislation on Water Right System. 但目前我国与水权相关的理论研究与实践才刚刚起步,有关水权制度的立法更是薄弱,亟待完善。
- The water right system doctrine got all rights about water resources together, which stressed on the comprehensiveness of the water right concept. 水权概念的准确确定实际上就是水权权属范围的划定与规范,也就是建立一套完整的水权体系。
- The root is not clear land property rights system, making it local officials colluding with unscrupulous traders and profiteering. 根源就在于不明晰的土地产权制度,使其成为地方官员和不法商人勾结谋取暴利的工具。
- The principle of establishing the property right system is the interiorization of externality cost of mine enterprise. 产权制度建立的原则是将矿山企业负外部性成本内化。
- Water right system and water obliges system are both very important to settle the issue motioned in above. 在全面谋划综合治理措施时,水权制度的建设和水权利人制度的推行有可能打破目前研究的瓶颈。
- In the end, the author discusses the problem of how to reform its property rights system for railway construction enterprise including MBO and ESOP. 第三,结合铁路施工企业的实际,就应用管理层收购(MBO)、职工持股计划(ESOP)对铁路施工企业深化产权改革进行了探讨。
- First of all,the transition from the water intaking licensing system to the water rights system is required by economic development. 首先,取水许可制度向水权制度的转变是经济发展的需要。
- The ascription of public system hospital property rights system is one of the factors that determine the performance of public system hospital. 公有制医院产权归属是决定公有制医院绩效的因素之一。
- The property right system innovation of the rural credit cooperatives (RCCs) of our country still needs a breakthrough. 摘要我国农村信用社产权制度创新仍需取得突破性进展。
- The establishment of the subrogation right system in Contract Law has gained close attention of correlative fields. 这一制度的确立,引起了理论界和实务界对该制度的密切关注。
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服总是式样最新的。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- At last,the paper pointed out that way to establish farmers health right system included t... 最后,提出了构建农民健康权利体系的路径包括"赋权"和"保障"两个层面。