- The right lateral position or Lion-King recumbency has been suggested for sleep in Buddhism. 现代医学对于这个主张有相关的研究,结论与佛教的看法相似。
- Materials: 55 patients were selected for thoracic surgery, which required with right lateral position(RLP). 方法:选择右侧卧位下开胸手术病人55例。
- In all animals, experimental and control treatments were withheld for three months after a right lateral hemisection of the thoracic spinal cord. 右侧胸髓半切后,所有动物的实验和对照处理保留3个月。
- Some masters suggested alternating right and left lateral decubitus position, and some suggested right lateral decubitus position only. 老人则被道家认为不宜采右侧卧姿,这点倒是与佛教认为老病者不要右侧卧有共同之处。
- On the basis of granulometric analysis of samples from colluvial wedge sediments caused by normal fault, the sedimentary environment is discussed. 摘要通过对崩积楔沉积物进行粒度特征分析,研究崩积楔形成时的沉积条件和环境特征。
- Patients with orbital, medial and right lateral damage confabulated in response to questions probing orientation to time (OT). 研究发现虚谈症的患者其记忆能力差别很大,症状表现上也有很大差异。
- Lishan piedmont fracture is a nearly westeast strike and northward dip normal fault developed on the north side of raised Lishan. 骊山山前断裂是发育于骊山凸起北侧的一条近东西走向并向北倾斜的正断层。
- MRI showed a large inhomogeneously enhanced tumor in the atrium of the right lateral ventricle with extraventricular invasion of the adjacent brain parenchyma. 我们报告一两岁的中国女孩罹患了脑室脉络丛癌,MRI显示肿瘤在右脑室而往邻近脑实质侵犯。
- Suppe, John(1984) Seismic interpretation of the compressively reactivated normal fault near Hsinchu, western Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 20, 85-96. 苏强(1984)台湾西部新竹附近沿正断层逆冲复活的震测解释。台湾石油地质,第20号,第85-96页。
- Lufeng anticline in early period of Yanshan;normal fault, reversed fault and magma of mine margin in middle and latter period of Yanshan, and complexed the structure. 燕山中晚期形成南北边界正、逆断层及岩浆岩,并且使该区构造复杂化。
- Strike-slip tectonics formed possibly in Himalayan Period when the boundary faults thrusted and right lateral strike slipped concurrently, intersect the boundary faults of the central geotectogene and collocate like the en-echelon faults. 在中央拗陷带内走滑断层与边界主断层斜交并呈“雁列式”排列,表明走滑构造可能在边界断层发生大规模逆冲兼右行走滑时形成,其形成时期可能为喜山期。
- Methods Used three arterial clip clamps hold the pedicles of the median and left lateral lobe respectively at the level of the hilum to achieve total warm ischemia after the resection of the caudate, right lateral, quadrate lobes, and papillary lobe. 方法将大鼠肝脏的尾状叶、右侧叶、方叶和乳突叶切除后,用三个动脉夹分别夹住肝脏左叶和中叶的肝蒂,实现全肝的热缺血。
- A geodynamic model involving coeval thrusting and normal faulting is discussed. 同时建立了地球运力学模型并讨论了逆冲作用和正断层的作用。
- There occurred strong extension of lithosphere with NE direction in Cathaysian Block, East Sea and Japan Sea since 17 Ma, which also turned the movement direction of Indochina block from left lateral to right lateral slip. 17Ma以后,华夏、东海至日本海岩石圈均出现了强的NE向伸展,也使印支块体沿红河断裂从左旋挤出转向右旋走滑。
- This is discrepant with traditional point of view, which states that minimum principle stress is horizontal and perpendicular to the strike of normal fault or is vertical for reversed fault. 这与传统观点所认为的最小主应力方向垂直于断层走向(正断层)或最小主应力为垂直应力(逆断层)相矛盾。
- Place the animal in the right lateral recumbency on a cardiac mattress so that the point of maximal intensity [PMI] of the heartbeat is centered over the cardiac cutout in the cardiac mattress. 让动物保持在右侧卧摆位,放在一个心脏检查专用的床垫,所以心跳强度最高的点[PMI],就正对着,床垫为心脏检查,专门切割开位置的中央。
- To resolve problems of many single spindle fault of ORION-M winder,normal faults of winders were divided,and effective measures were adopted. 为解决ORION-M型络筒机单锭故障较多的问题,对络筒机常见故障进行了分类并采取了有效措施予以检修。
- The fracture types of Cenozoic mainly include normal fault and transtensional fault, both of them are extensional faults and have apparent directivity. 新生代断裂类型主要有正断层和张扭断层,均为伸展断层,其分布具有明显的方向性。
- Analyses the normal faults of stylus printer,included broken pin fault,parallel interface fault and circuit fault,points out the countermeasures for them. 分析了针式打印机常出现的故障 ,主要包括断针故障、行接口故障、电路故障 ,并提出相应的防范措施
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服总是式样最新的。