- On the second day the vanguard on the right bank fell behind. 第二天,右岸的先锋部队落在后面了。
- First, based on the index of wave climbing height observed on the right bank, the effects unmaking waves were primarily evaluated for various river training works. 首先以目测的“右岸爬浪”为指标,初步评估了各类治导工程的防浪效果,然后用电测电算的航道内波高进行了验证。
- The Right Bank of Bordeaux is dominated by clay based soils. 波尔多的右岸就是以粘土质的土壤为主导的。
- The World Bank works all over the world to lower international trade barriers. 世界银行努力降低世界各地的贸易障碍。
- The important technical problem of submergence evaluation for the right bank of down stream of the subsidiary dam in Nierji irrigation works was solved. 在三维渗流电网络计算的基础上,进一步进行了粘土层内含水带的埋深计算,并重新选定毛管水上升高度值和浸没临界深度。
- Remember that the right bank account can make a difference to your balance. 请记住正确的银行帐户账户能对你的帐户余额产生影响。
- It is located on the Right Bank (of the Seine) in the 1st arrondissement. 它在我的巴黎必看列表中名列前茅。它位于巴黎市一区,塞纳河岸。
- We are not developing a system for use by a bank or making any attempt to model the way that a real bank works. 我们并不是发展一个运用于银行或建立一个试图运用于真正银行的模块的系统。
- Calhoun, an ex-banker himself, knows how banks work. 卡尔霍恩,前银行家自己,知道如何银行工作。
- The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on top of the hill on the Right Bank (north side) of the Seine. 美丽洁白的圣心教堂位于塞纳河右岸(即北面)的山顶上。
- Situation in which a research analyst at an investment bank works for the underwriting department for a corporate client. 投资银行的研究分析师越界为公司客户的提供本银行承销部门服务。
- The Town,which was the largest of the three fragments of Paris,held the right bank. 新城是巴黎三大块中最大的一块,位于塞纳河的右岸。
- After he witnesses kin to die in the earthquake, generation " must be in have year of unripe possibility that tries life " thought, then resolutely resign the bank works. 他目睹亲戚在地震中丧生后,产生“必须在有生之年试试人生的可能性”念头,于是毅然辞去银行工作。
- The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on top of the hill on the Right Bank( north side) of the Seine. 美丽洁白的圣心教堂位于塞纳河右岸(即北面)山顶上。
- It was there, in fact, that the three bridges disgorged upon the right bank, and bridges lead to the building of houses rather than palaces. 实际上,新城通往右岸的三座桥梁便是从这里开始的。总是桥梁先产生民宅,然后才产生王宫的。
- People can go to shop, bank work with computers. But the danger of the computer is people are getting isolated and losing some societal skills. Do you agree or disagree? 人们可以通过电脑购物,消费,工作,但是危险的是电脑代给人们孤立和丧失社会技能,你同意吗?
- It was only offered a track on the right bank of the Rhine, which is winding and subject to delays. 提供给它的只是莱茵河右岸的一条弯弯曲曲易于晚点的轨道。
- The Town, which was the largest of the three fragments of Paris, held the right bank. 新城是巴黎三大块中最大的一块,位于塞纳河的右岸。
- C?tes de Bourg is located on the right bank of the Dordogne at the point where it meets the Gironde river. 波尔山坡位于多尔多涅河的右岸,正好在纪隆德河的交汇处。
- C ôtes de Bourg is located on the right bank of the Dordogne at the point where it meets the Gironde river. 波尔山坡位于多尔多涅河的右岸,正好在纪隆德河的交汇处。