- The company reserves the right of final interpretation for the content and intems hereinabove. 以上内容和条款,**公司保留最终解释权。
- I understand and accept that the Assessment and Compliance Subcommittee of the Global Leader Scholarship Program reserves the right of final interpretation. 本人明白并同意国际杰出青年项目评审委员会保留最终解释权。
- I understand and accept that the Assessment and Compliance Subcommittee of the Alumni Affair and Development Office reserves the right of final interpretation. 本人明白并同意校友事务及发展委员会评审委员会保留最终解释权。
- I understand and accept that the Assessment and Compliance Subcommittee of the Social Volunteer Across Borders Program reserves the right of final interpretation. 本人明白并同意无国界义工组织委员会保留最终解释权。
- OTO reserves the right of final decision in case of disputes. 如有任何争议,OTO保留最终之决定权。
- right of final interpretation 最终解释权
- The ** Company shall retain the power of final interpretation for the contents and terms hereinabove. 以上内容和条款,**公司保留最终解释权。
- Similarly, it can not be argued that an interpretation would deprive Hong Kong of any legal powers - Hong Kong does not have the power of final interpretation or amendment. 同样,我们不能说寻求解释便会剥夺香港的法律权力,因为香港并没有最终解释权或修改权。
- Shanghai Times Square reserves the right of final decision to this event. 大上海时代广场拥有本活动最终解释权。
- Amway Hong Kong and Regal Riverside Hotel reserve the right of final decision. 香港安利及丽豪酒店拥有最终决定权。
- The Chateau Regency Apartment reserves the right of final explanation. 本贵宾会员章程之解释权、修改权属于苏州和乔丽晶公寓。
- Sun Hung Kai Properties and the SHKP Club have the right of final decision in the event of any dispute. 如有任何争议,以新鸿基地产及新地会有限公司作最终决定权。
- Is there a right of way across these fields? 人们有权通过这些田地吗?
- In case of any dispute, the hotel and respective Merry Inn reserve the right of final decision. 如有任何争议,本酒店及各美丽客栈保留最终决定权。
- He was done out of the right of boxing. 他被取消了拳击比赛资格。
- In particular, in January 1999, the Court of Final Appeal delivered its judgments in two sets of landmark cases involving the right of abode issues. 一九九九年一月,终审法院首次就两组重要的居留权案件作出判决。
- CSL 1010 reserves the right of final decision to amend or abort the terms for the above offer. 香港流动通讯有限公司将保留所有更改或终止优惠计划的权利。
- It's our right of way at this turning. 在这个拐弯处,我们有优先行驶权。
- The Normans ruled England by right of conquest. 诺曼人征服了英格兰成了统治者。
- In particular,in January 1999,the Court of Final Appeal delivered its judgments in two sets of landmark cases involving the right of abode issues. 一九九九年一月,终审法院首次就两组重要的居留权案件作出判决。