- right of abode endorsement 居留权签注
- The right of abode means right to live in a country. 居住权(在一个国家的居住权)
- Other categories of British Nationals without the right of abode in the UK. 在英国没有居住权的其他英国侨民。
- Any child with one Hong Kong parent was entitled to the right of abode. 只要父母其中一方是香港人,子女就有居港权。
- Applicant must have the permanent right or legal right of abode in Hong Kong. 申请人必须为香港永久性居民或合法香港居民。
- Bishop Zen said the wounds of the interpretation on the right of abode saga in1999 had yet to heal. 陈主教称九九年的居港权释法事件的伤口还未愈合。
- Will a declaration of change of nationality affect your right of abode in the HKSAR? 二、申报国籍变更会否对你在香港特别行政区的居留权有影响?
- Children born in Hong Kong to mainland parents automatically qualified for the right of abode. 内地人士在港出生的子女自动享有居港权。
- The second example is that of mainland children of Hong Kong citizens seeking right of abode here. 例子二,港人在大陆的子女,寻求居港权,抱?
- You may also deposit the application into the drop-in box provided at the Right of Abode Section. 你亦可将申请放入居留权组的投递箱内。
- I am NOT a permanent resident of the HKSAR and do not have right of abode in HKSAR. 本人不是香港特别行政区永久居民但在开学时持有工作签证。
- In particular, in January 1999, the Court of Final Appeal delivered its judgments in two sets of landmark cases involving the right of abode issues. 一九九九年一月,终审法院首次就两组重要的居留权案件作出判决。
- The Secretary for Security, Regina Ip, ruled out granting amnesties to Mainland right of abode claimants. 保安局长叶刘淑仪说排除会给予内地申请居留权人士特赦。
- In particular,in January 1999,the Court of Final Appeal delivered its judgments in two sets of landmark cases involving the right of abode issues. 一九九九年一月,终审法院首次就两组重要的居留权案件作出判决。
- They are Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region with no right of abode in any foreign country. 他们须是香港特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民,在外国并无居留权。
- HKSAR passports are issued to Chinese citizens who have the right of abode in the HKSAR and who hold Hong Kong permanent identity cards. 享有香港特别行政区居留权并持有香港永久性居民身分证的中国公民,可获签发香港特别行政区护照。
- Top Hong Kong immigration officials also held public briefing sessions in Chicago,New York,San Francisco and Los Angeles on the Right of Abode issue. 年内,入境事务处的高级官员也曾出访芝加哥、纽约、三藩市及洛杉矶,就居留权事宜举行公众简介会。
- The above-mentioned residents shall have the right of abode in the Macao Special Administrative Region and shall be qualified to obtain permanent identity cards. 以上居民在澳门特别行政区享有居留权并有资格领取澳门特别行政区永久性居民身份证。
- Under the law, a valid permanent identity card shall be evidence that the person to whom the card relates enjoys the right of abode in Hong Kong. 根据法律规定,有效的永久性居民身份证乃该证所关乎的人享有香港居留权的证据。
- Please note that only those with right of abode in Hong Kong are eligible for this scheme. Student visa holder is not accepted. 请留意本计划只适用于拥有香港居留权的人士,学生签证持有者不适用于本计划。