- All thirty rats from group C showed no signs of necrosis and apoptosis in the right hepatic lobe. C组30只大鼠肝右叶未发生凋亡和坏死的病理改变。
- Objective To explore the cause and effect relationship between gallbladder stone and right hepatic lobe atrophy. 目的探讨胆囊结石与右肝萎缩的因果关系。
- The thrombus in the certain segment of IVC would distend its lumen.The HCC located or involved the posterior segment of right hepatic lobe is prone to have IVCT. HCC位于或侵及肝右叶后段者易造成IVCT,HCC的大小,愈大者似乎愈易出现IVCT。
- Right hepatic lobe and the upper pole of kidney were invaded by tumor in 5 cases,and invasion of the head of pancreas with encasement of IVC by tumor was seen in 1 case. 5例主要波及肝右叶和肾上极,1例主要波及胰头并包绕下腔静脉。
- A42- year-old Chinese male was found to have a cystic lesion of3 cm over posterior segment of right hepatic lobe one year ago and presented with fever and hepatomegaly on this admission. 摘要我们报告一个42岁中国男性病例,该病人一年前在肝脏右后节叶有一个3公分大的囊样病灶之病史,此次住院呈现发烧及肝脏肿大。
- A 42-year-old Chinese male was found to have a cystic lesion of 3 cm over posterior segment of right hepatic lobe one year ago and presented with fever and hepatomegaly on this admission. 摘要我们报告一个42岁中国男性病例,该病人一年前在肝脏右后节叶有一个3公分大的囊样病灶之病史,此次住院呈现发烧及肝脏肿大。
- The main symptoms including abdominal distention, various on abdominal walls and edema in lower extremities were caused by compression or involvement of IVC with right hepatic lobe lesion. 临床主要症状有腹胀、腹壁静脉曲张和下肢浮肿等。
- Objective:To assess surgical treatment for hepatolithiasis in right hepatic lobe and in full hepatic lobes. 目的探讨右肝、左肝及全肝结石的外科治疗方式。
- right hepatic lobe 肝右叶
- Evaluation of MRI After Blood Supply Blockage at Right Hepatic Lobes of Rats 大鼠肝右叶血供急性阻断后的磁共振评价
- Hepatic anterior segmentectomy was done but a tumor mimicking a cyst recurred over the left hepatic lobe 7 months after the second operation. 然而在第二次手术结束的7个月后,在左肝叶又发现一个类似囊肿的肿瘤。
- The hepatic mitochondrial RCR showed early ascending and then dropping in the non-infective hepatic lobe. 至术后48小时氧化与磷酸化脱耦联。
- The right hepatic vein is usually single, lying between the anterior and posterior lobes and drains most of the posterior lobe and the upper segment of the anterior lobe. 它们引流的区域与以门静脉所划分的肝叶并不完全一致。 肝右静脉常为1支,位于右前、后叶之间,引流右后叶大部和右前叶上段。
- Here, we report a case of 37-year-old male patient with subcapsular liver abscess in lateral segment of left hepatic lobe due to a penetrating prepyloric gastric ulcer. 我们报告一位37岁男性,因为胃幽门部溃疡穿孔而造成肝脏左叶的包膜下脓疡。
- One case of biliary cystadenoma showed a multilocular intrahepatic cystic lesion with left hepatic lobe atrophy, CBD dilatation and focal wall thickening. 一例的胆道囊腺瘤呈现多房性囊状病灶,合并有左肝叶萎缩、总胆管扩张与局部囊壁变厚。
- Imaging studies revealed a hepatic tumor at the medial segment of the left hepatic lobe with bilateral IHD dilatation, and cholangiocarcinoma was suspected. 但只在胆道内发生肝癌侵犯,而在肝实质无原发肝癌发现,当前文献只有少数报告。
- The right hepatic artery (RHA) is generally one of the two main branches from the proper hepatic artery (PHA). 摘要: 右肝动脉(right hepatic artey,RHA)通常是固有肝动脉(proper hepatic artery,PHA)的二终末之一。
- Conclusions The right hepatic lobectomy is ideal and effective treatment for right-sided hepatolithiasis. 结论肝叶切除治疗右肝内胆管结石是目前较理想的有效的手术方式。
- Right hepatic duct of caudate lobe 尾叶右肝管
- In addition, the right hepatic vein was not an accurate indicator of the position of the right interlobar fissure especially in the superior part and inferior part. 肝右静脉不是右叶间裂的准确定位标志,尤其在其上份和下份。