- We have to pursue what we consider to be the right course. 我们必须沿着我们认为正确的道路前进。
- Every person should take stock of himself now and then to see if he is on the right course. 每一个人都应时不时衡量自己一番,看看自己的行为是否合乎正道。
- We need to be even more sober-minded. We need to remain firmly on the right course, and we need to work even harder. 我们需要更加清醒、更加坚定、更加努力。
- I can help steer the right course among competing interests and shield us from undue political influence. 我可协助在各种相互竞争的利益之间正确地导航并避免不当的政治影响。
- We have the Technical Board and the Community Council, both of which will help to decide the right course for Ubuntu. 气馁挫败的经验在所难免,但我们不允许这些情绪转变为有针对性的人身攻击。
- He turns to the Lord in prayer (109:4b), which is the right course for anyone who has been despitefully used. 他转而祈求耶和华(109:4下),因为这是任何遭遇恶人攻击的人所能采取的最好方法。
- Stray--to deviate from a moral, proper, or right course; err; to become diverted from a subject or train of thought; digress. 偏离偏离道德的、恰当的或正确的道路;犯错误;分心偏离一主题或思维;离题。
- ZiXia said: “When a man tries to learn extensively, and his goal is firm, inquires with earnestness, and reflects with self-application, his virtue is on the right course. 子夏说:"当一个人努力去博学,志向又坚定,急切探讨,自我反省,他便可以获得仁德了.
- Mourinho has talked before about the satisfaction he has in the intelligence of his side to choose the right course of action. Team selection however still falls to one man. 穆帅曾经说过,他对自己关于选择采取正确行动方面的天赋相当满足。但是说到队伍人员的选择,总要落实到每一个人身上,(一个一个挑)!
- Will it be on the right course? 飞行轨道是否正确?
- But if China,with its one billion people,keeps to socialism and adheres to the policy of peace,it will be following the right course and will be able to make greater contributions to humanity. 十亿人的中国坚持社会主义,十亿人的中国坚持和平政策,做到这两条,我们的路就走对了,就可能对人类有比较大的贡献。
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服总是式样最新的。
- Another lesson not understand the reasons for your right courses to professionals involved in unfamiliar vocabulary. 另一个听不懂课的原因是你对课程所涉及到的专业词汇不熟悉。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- extravagate from the right course 偏离正道
- One line cuts another at right angles. 一条线与另一条线成直角相交。
- Almost all institutions of higher learning and training organizations hold special lectures on human rights,and some universities have a human rights course to systematically teach theories of human rights. 各高等院校和培训机构普遍开设了人权专题讲座,一些大学开设了人权课程,系统讲授人权理论。
- The road to the village branches off on the right. 通往该村的道路向右转为一条小路。
- Please let him alone; he is not in his right mind. 请不要打扰地,他精神不正常。
- They drew lots for the right to go first. 他们抓阄儿决定谁先走。