- The right to freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession, and of demonstration. 言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威自由的权利。
- Both sides are committed to respect the individual's freedom of speech, expression, setting up organisations and holding peaceful gatherings and right to freedom of exploitation. 双方应尊重个人的言论自由、表达、建立组织,举行和平集会和的权利。
- Manfred Nowak, U.N. special rapporteur on torture, also urged authorities to release all political prisoners and people held for exercising their right to freedom of speech,assembly and religion. 联合国酷刑问题专员诺瓦克也强烈要求中国当局释放所有政治犯,以及因行使言论、集会与宗教自由权利而遭拘禁的人。
- Everyone has right to freedom of expression. 每个人都有言论自由的权利。
- Through this all, the peoples' constitutionally guaranteed rights to freedom of speech and movement have been cast aside, and even forgotten. 于此,宪法所保障人民的自由言论与行动权利,完全地被搁置、甚至忘却。
- Freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, right to a jury trial, peaceful assembly, etc. 言論自由、出版自由、宗教信仰自由,陪审团裁判权及和平集會等修正案。
- I believe in freedom of speech and of contract, the right to offend and blaspheme, as well as the right to convert and bear witness. 我相信言论自由和契约自由,我相信公民的反抗自由和批评自由,我也相信改变宗教信仰的自由和出庭作证的自由。
- That law was framed to protect freedom of speech. 制定法律保护言论自由。
- The government tried to muzzle freedom of speech. 政府试图钳制言论自由。
- Protection of the Right to Freedom of Religious Belief for Ethnic Minorities. 对少数民族宗教信仰自由权利的保护。
- The core of our appeal is freedom of speech. 我们的要求的核心是言论自由。
- But will (fair)let him go on,and turn their freedom of speech,to freedom of thought. 他们将干脆让他继续说下去而把他们自己言论底自由变为思想底自由。
- The law was framed to protect freedom of speech. 制定这项法律以保护言论自由。
- The freedom of speech should not be abridged. 言论自由不应受限制。
- With respect to judicial guarantee, China stipulates clearly the penalties for the infringement of citizens' right to freedom of religious belief. 在司法保障方面,中国对侵犯公民宗教信仰自由权利的行为有明确的惩处规定。
- The association promotes the right to freedom of expression and actively focuses on a range of press freedom and ethics concerns. 该协会提倡言论自由的权利,并且积极关注有关新闻自由及道德操守的各项问题。
- Freedom of speech should be an inalienable right. 言论自由应是不可剥夺的权利。
- "We should fix some limits to freedom of speech in order to establish a national consensus and preserve it for future generations," Mr.Dugin says. “为了给我们的下一代人培养一种民族共识,并将其保持下去,我们应当对言论自由施加一些限制”,杜金先生表示。
- However, we fear these aggressions in fact aim at suppressing the right to freedom of exXXXXXpression of citizens. 然而,我们害怕实际上这些侵犯是要镇压公民的言论自由权。
- Article 19 says everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression and to hold opinions without interference. 第19项条款提到人人享有发表意见和主张的自由,而且主张不受干涉的自由。