- He makes a religion of watching soccer. 足球比赛他每场必看。
- The followers of such a religion or sect. 异教徒该种宗教或宗教派别的追随者
- The pursuit of success was a religion to him. 他一心追求的就是成功。
- Theism generally comes packaged in a religion. 有神论一般都夹杂在宗教之中。
- Some people elevate football into a religion. 有些人把足球运动奉为一种神圣的追求。
- An ardent or fanatical adherent of a religion. 信徒热情的或狂热的宗教追随者
- ridicule a religion 嘲笑宗教
- An adherent of Judaism as a religion or culture. 犹太人在宗教或文化方面秉持犹太主义的拥护者
- Criminals have the right to believe in a religion. 罪犯有信仰宗教的权利。
- Aren''t you a religion or a rival to religion? 你们是否宗教或宗教的竞争者?
- He makes a religion of doing physical exercises. 他把体育锻炼当作生活中不可缺少的事。
- Anyone who wants to can start a religion. 谁愿意谁就可以创建一种宗 教。
- There must be a cavity around when a mouse ridicule a cat. 婚姻如同穿鞋,舒服不舒服,只有脚知道。(鞋子已经穿上,舒服的还好说,不舒服的咋办?)
- Vaishnavism is exclusively a religion of bhakti. 毗瑟奴派是一个专有的巴克提(虔信)宗教。
- She makes a religion of keeping her home clean and tidy. 她认为保持房子整洁是她分内的事。
- Confucianism is, therefore, not equal to a religion. 因此儒学不等于宗教。
- Cricket is a religion with Mike; he makes a religion of it. 曲棍球对迈克等于是宗教信仰,他对此非常认真。
- He makes a religion of keeping faith with his friends. 他把封朋友守信作为信条。
- There is obviously something very wrong with our human society today if it can ridicule a race of people so talented and intelligent as the half-orcs, purely due to their mixed parentage. 既然我们能够仅仅出于其混合谱系的缘由便嘲讽像半兽人这样聪颖智慧的种族,那么很显然在我们当今的人类社会中存在有极大的谬误。
- Cricket is a religion with Mike and he makes a religion of it. 曲棍球对迈克等于是宗教信仰,他对此非常认真。