- Many urban people can not tell rice seedling from weeds. 许多城里人分不清水稻苗和杂草。
- He bedded rice seedlings in rows . 他将秧苗插成排。
- The technique of heat preservation and moisture holding was mainly applicated to the management of rice seedling bed. 提出了保温湿润育苗的操作程序和秧田以通风炼苗为主的秧田管理技术。
- He bedded rice seedlings in rows. 他将秧苗插成排。
- Transplanting rice seedlings has started. 插秧就要开始了。
- Farmers are transplanting rice seedlings. 农民正在田地里栽插水稻。
- Preliminary Studies on the Factors Affecting the Rice Seedling Quality of Sequential Croppy Late Season Rice of Yongyou No. 甬优一号连晚秧苗素质影响因素的初步研究。
- The results indicate that there is a different genetic background responsible for rice seedling root growth under lowland and upland conditions. 溶液培养与纸培条件下没有一个检测到的QTL或一对互作位点完全相同,这一结果说明:在不同的水分条件下(如溶液培养和纸培),水稻幼苗根系发生和形成的遗传机理不同。
- The peasants bent over to transplant rice seedlings in the fields. 农民们在地里弯腰插秧。
- The rice aspirating precision seeder was design according to the technique of rice seedling growing in cupulate compartment tray which made of straw. 气吸式水稻钵育秧盘精量播种机是实现“水稻植质钵育秧技术”的配套机械。
- The chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate, activity root systems, carbohydrate content, and amylase activity of the rice seedling raised in the bi-lig... 研究表明,双光膜培育的秧苗的叶绿素含量、光合速率、根系活力、碳水化合物含量及淀粉酶活性均高于普通膜培育的秧苗。
- To investigate yields response to the maturity and transplant ing time of rice seedling, experiments were carried out at the Pi-shi-hang Irrigation E xper imental Station. 为研究水稻播种期及秧龄对产量的影响,在淠史杭灌区灌溉试验总站进行了试验。
- The rice seedlings were covered with plastic sheeting. 秧苗上面覆盖着塑料薄膜。
- The IC50 and IC10 of metsulfuron-methyl and its mixture with bensulfuron-methyl, cinosulfuron, pyrazosulfuron-ethyl respectively to rice seedling of single-leaf were evaluated. 室内测定了甲黄隆单用以及分别与苄嘧磺隆、醚黄隆和吡嘧磺隆混用后对一叶一心期水稻的IC50值和IC10值。
- The peasants seized the April occasion to plant rice seedlings. 农民抓住四月的好时机插秧。
- We came specially to learn from you how to raise rice seedlings. 我们是特地来向您学习育秧的。
- It rained soon after we had transplanted the rice seedlings. 插完秧不久就下了一场雨。
- The seedling have shrivel up a bit in the hot sun. 在炎热的太阳光下,幼苗已有一点乾枯。
- Under conditions of rice seedling transplanted by casting,the quality early indica rice variety Zhou 903 had an advantage of high-yielding resulted from more tillers and spikes,but it easily lodged. 优质早籼舟903采用抛秧栽培具有促蘖争多穗创高产的优势,但同时也存在着易倒伏的威胁。
- Abstract: In the light of a series of short comings of the rice seedling tossing transplant by manual labour as well as machines,the aerodynamical tossing principle was employed at first time. 中文摘要: 在对国内外水稻钵苗移植机械综合分析的基础上提出了气力抛秧的原理,并进行了方案设计和研究。结果表明,气力抛秧原理是可行的,能有效地解决目前机械抛秧存在的问题。