- rice seedling on watered bed 水育苗
- Test summary about fertilizer which to strong rice seedling on upland field 水稻旱育壮秧肥试验总结
- The extra charge is for the water bed. 超额费用是因为有水床。
- Test-effectiveness analysis about seed coated with a pesticide which name is nanny of rice seedling on upland field 水稻旱育保姆种衣剂试验效果分析
- The technique of heat preservation and moisture holding was mainly applicated to the management of rice seedling bed. 提出了保温湿润育苗的操作程序和秧田以通风炼苗为主的秧田管理技术。
- This metal acts on water to set hydrogen free. 这种金属作用于水,就释放了氢气。
- We have been on water excursions out of number. 我们进行过无数次的水上旅游。
- A cork, bobbing on water as waves pass by, is not swept along with the water. 当水波经过时,在水面上下浮动的软木不会随水漂走。
- Many urban people can not tell rice seedling from weeds. 许多城里人分不清水稻苗和杂草。
- If you pour oil on water, it floats. 如果你把油倒在水中,油就浮在上面。
- Primary Results of Raising Rice Seedlings on Upland Bed with Pre-socking Seed in Marsh Liquid 水稻旱育秧沼液浸种试验初报
- Nearly everyone can float on water. 几乎所有人都会浮水。
- I see foam on water with a lot of soap in it. 我看到水上有肥皂泡沫。
- A Study on the Suitable Seeding Time, Sowing Seeds quantity, and Transplanting Time of Double-cropping Late Rice seedlings on the Dry Land Bed 二季晚稻旱床育秧适宜播种期、播种量、移栽期的研究
- Oil floats if you pour it on water. 你如果把油倒在水里,油就浮起来。
- Try walking on water to cool off an overheated ego. 在水中行走或许可以冷却过于膨胀的欲望。
- rice seedling on upland field 旱育苗
- The tanker took on water at that port. 油船在那个港口加了水。
- We see foam on water with a lot of soap in it. 我看到水上有肥皂泡沫。
- He bedded rice seedlings in rows . 他将秧苗插成排。