- Test summary about fertilizer which to strong rice seedling on upland field 水稻旱育壮秧肥试验总结
- Test-effectiveness analysis about seed coated with a pesticide which name is nanny of rice seedling on upland field 水稻旱育保姆种衣剂试验效果分析
- rice seedling on upland field 旱育苗
- Rice seedling technique on upland field in the north 北方水稻旱育苗技术
- Seedling on upland field 旱育秧
- Primary Results of Raising Rice Seedlings on Upland Bed with Pre-socking Seed in Marsh Liquid 水稻旱育秧沼液浸种试验初报
- Reason and Control of Seedling Death under Sparse Planting of Rice Seedlings Raised on Upland in Guizhou 贵州水稻旱育稀植秧苗死苗原因及防治方法
- Production practice of plastic-sheet-covered cultivation on upland field 易旱田覆膜种稻的生产实践
- The results indicate that there is a different genetic background responsible for rice seedling root growth under lowland and upland conditions. 溶液培养与纸培条件下没有一个检测到的QTL或一对互作位点完全相同,这一结果说明:在不同的水分条件下(如溶液培养和纸培),水稻幼苗根系发生和形成的遗传机理不同。
- Effects of Different patterns for Intercropping and Interplanting on Soil Fertility and Annual Output on Upland Field 旱耕地不同间、套种植模式对土壤肥力和作物周年产量的影响
- Many urban people can not tell rice seedling from weeds. 许多城里人分不清水稻苗和杂草。
- Our preference is for a cereal rather than rape, except perhaps on upland reseeds. 除了在高地重播,我们情愿选谷物而不种油菜。
- rice seedling on watered bed 水育苗
- He bedded rice seedlings in rows . 他将秧苗插成排。
- Imazamox is an imidazolinone compound.It is a high-effective post-emergence herbicide used in upland field. 甲氧咪草烟为咪唑啉酮类高效旱田苗后除草剂。
- He bedded rice seedlings in rows. 他将秧苗插成排。
- Transplanting rice seedlings has started. 插秧就要开始了。
- Farmers are transplanting rice seedlings. 农民正在田地里栽插水稻。
- The peasants bent over to transplant rice seedlings in the fields. 农民们在地里弯腰插秧。
- rice field and upland field rotation 水旱轮作