- paddy rice production mechanization 水稻生产机械化
- Existing State of Rice Production Mechanization and Development Trend in Heilongjiang Reclamation Region 黑龙江垦区水稻生产机械化现状及发展趋势
- Research on the Construction of Rice Production Mechanization in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省水稻生产全程机械化建设途径研究
- rice production mechanization 水稻生产机械化
- Rice production was probably introduced into Egypt in the 7th Century. 稻谷生产可能是在第七世纪引进埃及的。
- Today, rice production takes place only in the Lower Valley of the Nile River. 今天,只有在“尼罗河下游流域”进行稻谷生产。
- This year's upsurge in rice production is due to the new method of cultivation. 这一年稻米产量的上升是由于新栽培方法。
- It includes the Bicol Plain, a large lowland area important in rice production. 包括盛产稻米的比科尔平原。
- Water conservancy projects have played an important part in increasing paddy rice production. 水利工程在水稻增产方面起了重要的作用。
- Rice production duly expanded, greatly facilitated, it was thought, by subsidized credit. 曾经有一种观点,补贴信贷会极大地促进大米生产,使其充分发展。
- The World Food Prize Foundation says Mr. Sanchez helped Peru increase its rice production. 世界食品奖基金会表示,桑奇斯帮助秘鲁提高了水稻产量。
- Introduce the structure,technique of use,merit and demerit of beancurd Peijun machine In order to improve the degree of production mechanization and the quality of beancurd. 介绍腐乳培菌机的构造,使用方法和优缺点等。目的是提高腐乳生产机械化的程度,提高腐乳的质量;同时更希望腐乳行业后继有人,后来居上。
- The refined rice uses the automatic rice production line centers on the Japan Anxi main frame equipment. 精制大米采用日本“安西”主机为核心设备的全自动制米流水线。
- The Rice Institute's Zeigler says rice production is not keeping pace with demand from surging Asian populations. 水稻研究所的齐格勒对此表示大米产出赶不上亚洲飞快增长的人口的需求。
- Therefore it was assumed that one of the reasons of plateauing of rice production was due to nutrient imbalance. 由此推测限制水稻生产的原因之一就是养分不平衡。
- However recent wobbles in rice production have reversed a long-term trend of falling prices. 但是最近粮食产量的摇摆不定就完全逆转了之前长期的粮食价格的颓势。
- Soaking treatment is indispensable in the processing of rice products. 浸泡处理是各种米制品生产工艺中不可缺少的一环。
- The results indicated that foreign germplasm resources played important roles in the rice production in China. 结果表明,国外稻种资源对中国水稻单产起到促进作用。
- Because of its role in food security, income generation and political stability, rice production is subject to much government intervention. 因为稻米在食物安全,收入来源和政治上的安定里占的角色,它的生产便受制各国政府极大的干涉。