- The history of Huaihua's rice planting culture is long and deeply. 怀化稻作文化历史悠久、底蕴深厚;
- A known gene with a desirable quality can be inserted into a rice plant. 一种已知的品质优良的基因可以被移植到水稻体内。
- IRRI.IRRI.redesigns rice plant to yield more grain .IRRI Reporter,1994(4):1. 刘宝海,宋福金,高存启等.;三种施肥法对水稻产量及食味性状影响的相关研究,耕作与栽培,2004(1),26-28
- These suggested that auxin could regulate RSV replication in rice plant. 由此可见水稻体内生长素含量的变化能够影响RSV在寄主体内的复制。
- The effect of straw and plastic film dual mulch in dry-cultivation of rice planting was studied. 我国覆膜稻栽培研究始于1996年,但迄今都为地膜单元覆盖。
- During the rhythmic beating, they perform rice planting, harvesting, threshing and husking. 人们此起彼伏、错落有致的敲打中,表演插秧、收割、打谷、舂米等。
- Abstract: The effect of straw and plastic film dual mulch in dry-cultivation of rice planting was studied. 文摘:我国覆膜稻栽培研究始于1996年,但迄今都为地膜单元覆盖。
- From the absolute quantity,no matter in rice planting or not,the main loss of nitrogen was NO-3-N. 从绝对数量看,种植水稻与不种植水稻氮处理渗漏都以NO3--N为主。
- Application of compost may contribute to a slow release of nitrogen at later growth stage of rice plant. 施用堆肥可能对生长后期土壤缓慢释放氮有所贡献。
- T5 Farmers' practice( upland rice planting up and down slope every two years). The work under this treatment was carried out by farmers. T5农民习惯种植方式(两年顺坡自上而下种植旱稻)这个处理由农民自己实施。
- Nitrogen is the most important nutrient for high yielding cultivation of rice plant. 氮是水稻高产栽培中最重要的养分。
- The farmers of Nepal celebrate National Paddy Day on 'Asar 15' of the Nepali calendar each year as they begin their annual rice planting season. 农民庆祝尼泊尔全国水稻日'阿萨尔15'尼泊尔日历,每年他们开始其年度水稻播种季节。
- A new rice plant has been developed which grows "snorkels" when exposed to floods. 一种可以在洪水地区像“起重机”一样生长的新水稻被发现。
- Because of the and improvement of soil fertility aeration,the absorption of N, P, and K nutrients by rice plant was improved in same manner. 而且由于土壤肥力的提高以及土壤通气状况的改善,也促进了水稻对N、P、K养分的吸收。
- By the use of"Delphi method" the lovel, equipments, machineries and implements for the mechanization of rice planting in our country till 1990 have been forecasted in this paper. 本文应用特尔斐法对我国至1990年为止的水稻插秧机械化水平及设备、机具进行了预测。
- The creation, development, expansion and conspectus of the technology of the rice planting mechanization and the water saving technology were put stress upon studied. 重点研究了水稻直播节水种植技术和直播机械化的产生和发展以及国内此项技术的推广。本文还介绍了水稻纸膜覆盖直播种植技术的种植方法。
- Under solution culture condition,the effects of lead on growth and some nu trient index of rice plant which grew in high Mn concentration were studied. 通过水培试验,探讨了铅对生长在含过量锰溶液中的水稻生长及某些营养指标的影响。
- Suitable drought at tillering stage could enhance water use efficiency (WUE) of rice plant significantly in the course of and after treatment. 分蘖期适度节水胁迫处理可以显著提高处理期及处理结束到完熟期的水分利用效率;
- During a rice planting festival in Japan, the women of Chiyoda stoop and plant in unison while drummers and bamboo-clacking musicians set the tempo for the accompanying pipers. 在日本的一次插秧节上,千代田的妇女们弯着腰,在鼓手和竹子打击乐手敲击出的节奏并且伴随着风笛声中,步调一致地插着央。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。