- The occurrence situation of rice plant weevil along the Yangtze River region in Anhui was described, main reason of its occurrence was analyzed and the related control countermeasure was present. 简述了稻象虫在安徽省沿江地区发生危害情况,分析了其发生的主要原因,并提出相应的防治对策。
- The Damaging Reason and Control Countermeasure of Rice Plant Weevil 沿江稻区稻象虫上升危害原因及防治对策
- Forecasting of the Occurrence Period of Rice Plant Weevil according to Total Effective Temperature 利用有效积温法预测稻水象甲越冬代成虫的发生期
- The Experiment in the Chemical Efficiency of Several Pesticides on the Control of Rice Plant Weevil 几种杀虫剂防治稻水象甲药效试验
- rice plant weevil 稻象鼻虫
- A known gene with a desirable quality can be inserted into a rice plant. 一种已知的品质优良的基因可以被移植到水稻体内。
- IRRI.IRRI.redesigns rice plant to yield more grain .IRRI Reporter,1994(4):1. 刘宝海,宋福金,高存启等.;三种施肥法对水稻产量及食味性状影响的相关研究,耕作与栽培,2004(1),26-28
- These suggested that auxin could regulate RSV replication in rice plant. 由此可见水稻体内生长素含量的变化能够影响RSV在寄主体内的复制。
- The history of Huaihua's rice planting culture is long and deeply. 怀化稻作文化历史悠久、底蕴深厚;
- Application of compost may contribute to a slow release of nitrogen at later growth stage of rice plant. 施用堆肥可能对生长后期土壤缓慢释放氮有所贡献。
- Nitrogen is the most important nutrient for high yielding cultivation of rice plant. 氮是水稻高产栽培中最重要的养分。
- A new rice plant has been developed which grows "snorkels" when exposed to floods. 一种可以在洪水地区像“起重机”一样生长的新水稻被发现。
- Because of the and improvement of soil fertility aeration,the absorption of N, P, and K nutrients by rice plant was improved in same manner. 而且由于土壤肥力的提高以及土壤通气状况的改善,也促进了水稻对N、P、K养分的吸收。
- Under solution culture condition,the effects of lead on growth and some nu trient index of rice plant which grew in high Mn concentration were studied. 通过水培试验,探讨了铅对生长在含过量锰溶液中的水稻生长及某些营养指标的影响。
- Suitable drought at tillering stage could enhance water use efficiency (WUE) of rice plant significantly in the course of and after treatment. 分蘖期适度节水胁迫处理可以显著提高处理期及处理结束到完熟期的水分利用效率;
- This paper deals with test results o f biodegradation and removal of pesticide in rice plant by using a bacterial strain(DLL -1)isolated fromsludge. 采用水稻小区及大田试验方法,研究了将人工分离筛选培养的农药降解菌(DLL-1)应用于水稻作物的田间试验。
- Deep rooting of rice plant made easy to absorb more nutrients from deep soil layers, and protected the plant from lodging at reproductive stage. 深根水稻植株从深层土壤中吸收更多养分、保护植株在生殖生长阶段不倒伏。
- Wang S H, Liu S H, Wang Q S, Ding Y F, Huang P S, Ling Q H.Relationship between yield formation and leaf nitrogen content and color in rice plant. 王绍华;刘胜欢;王强盛;丁艳锋;黄丕生;凌启鸿.;水稻产量形成与叶片含氮量及叶色的关系
- Applying CRNF could also increase N contents in rice plant and grain during late growth stage of rice compared with using urea. 控释氮肥能明显提高水稻生长后期的植株和子粒中的N含量;
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。