- Rheumatic fever can affect the heart. 风湿热能感染心脏。
- Becomes damaged by rheumatic fever or bacterial endocarditis. 由于风湿热或细菌性心内膜炎造成损害。
- Heart valve disease - caused by past rheumatic fever or other infections. 心瓣膜病:由过去的风湿热或其他感染并引起。
- Acquired aortic stenosis may occur after a strep infection that progresses to rheumatic fever. 发展成风湿热的链球菌感染之后获得性主动脉狭窄可能发生。
- No evidence has been found that rheumatic fever results from persistence of streptococci or their variants in the patient. 还没有证据表明风湿热是由在病人体内存在的链球菌及其变体所引起。
- Rheumatic fever is triggered by an invading bacterium that elicits antibodies from the immune system. 风湿热的形成是由于某种细菌入侵诱发免疫系统产生抗体。
- Strep throat can lead to complications, such as rheumatic fever, and should be treated with antibiotic therapy. 链球菌性咽喉可以导致并发症,如:风湿热,并且应该使用抗生素治疗。
- Strasser T:Rheumatic fever and rheamatic heart disease in the 1970s.WHO Chronicle 1978,32:18. 黄震东;饶栩栩;倪戈敏等.;广东、海南近年来中小学生风湿热发病及流行趋势;中华心血管病杂志;1994;22:129-132
- Rheumatic fever: Generalized disease caused by certain types of streptococcus bacteria. It occurs mostly in children and young adults. 风湿热:由某些形式的链球菌引起的全身性疾病,主要见于儿童及青年。
- More serious are two distant complications acute nephritis and acute rheumatic fever, with or without heart involvement. 更严重的是两种远位并发症--累及或不累及心脏的急性肾炎和急性风湿热。
- The small verrucous vegetations seen along the closure line of this mitral valve are associated with acute rheumatic fever. 沿着二尖瓣的闭锁缘可见一些小的疣状赘生物,它们与急性风湿热相关。
- Continuous chemoprophylaxis against group A streptococci has proved to be highly effective in preventing recurrences of rheumatic fever. 对A组链球菌进行连续性化学预防,已证明对防止风湿热的复发可奏卓效。
- With the decline of acute rheumatic fever, calcific aortic stenosis has become the most common indication for surgical valve replacement in the USA. 随着急性风湿热发病率的降低,在美国对于手术人工心瓣更换病人来说,钙化性主动脉瓣狭窄成了最普遍的适应症。
- This bacterium is also responsible for nonsuppurative sequelae, such as acute rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis. 另外,此菌也会造成感染后的并发症,如急性风湿热和急性肾丝球炎。
- Rheumatic fever is a kind of autoimmune disease caused by Group A Streptococcus which can damage many systems of human body. 风湿热是一种由A组乙型溶血性链球菌感染咽喉部后所引起的自身免疫性疾病,可累及全身多个系统,对机体造成严重的损害。
- He raises the question whether some “rheumatic” heart disease or perhaps even atypical acute rheumatic fever may be viral in origin. 他提出某些“风湿性”,也许非典型的急性风湿热也在内,病原是否可能是病毒性的问题。
- This report updates the 1995 statement by the American Heart Association Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease Committee. 目前这个报导是由美国心脏病协会心内膜炎及川崎病委员会在1995年提出的。
- ResultsIn 21 patients,misdiagnosed as septic arthritis was 10 cases,tuberculosis arthritis was five cases,ankylosing spondylitis was three cases,rheumatic fever was three cases. 结果21例患者中,误诊为化脓性关节炎10例,结核性关节炎5例,强直性脊柱炎3例,风湿热3例。
- The traditional connective tissue diseases, including lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, nodular more arteritis and rheumatoid arthritis, such as rheumatic fever. 传统的结缔组织病包括红斑狼疮、皮肌炎、硬皮病、结节性多动脉炎及类风湿性关节炎、风湿热等。
- Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy was misdiagnosed as dermatosis(6/16),lung diseases(5/16),abnormal hepatic function(2/16),rheumatic fever(2/16),and arrhythmia(1/16). 误诊疾病包括敏感性皮炎、药物疹、荨麻疹等皮肤疾病共6例(6/16),肺部病变5例(5/16),肝功能异常2例(2/16),风湿热2例(2/16),心律失常1例(1/16)。误诊病例的最后确诊时间从半月至6月不等。