- reversible wool sweater 两面毛衣
- Take the wool sweater and rub it on the record for a minute. 拿起毛衣在唱片上摩擦一分钟。
- I have quite a lot of things to buy: a coat, wool sweater, scarf and gloves. 我要买的东西可不少呢:大衣、毛衣、围巾、手套等等。
- How come sheep don't shrink when it rains but a wool sweater does when you wash it? 为什么下雨时绵羊身上的毛不会缩水,可是洗涤羊毛衣时却缩水了?
- Would you please quote us a price on your 71*84 reversible wool blankets, 15% wool and 85% cotton, bound with rayon satin? 请问羊毛15%25,棉花85%25,尺寸为71*84用人造丝包边的双面毛毯的报价是多少?
- Would you please quote us a price one your 71 * 81 reversible wool blankets 15% wool and 85% cotton, bound with rayon satin? 请报给我们以下产品价格:71*81的羊毛毯子,成份15%25羊毛,85%25棉,人造丝绑定的?
- The doughty Ms Arnold would return from such evenings, her wool sweater punctured with cigarette burns inflicted by hostile onlookers. 当勇敢能干的阿诺德晚上回到家时,发现羊毛衫上散布着几个小洞。它们是被那些心怀敌意的旁观者用烟头烧出来的。
- Would you please quote us the price of a gross of your 71*84 reversible wool blanket,15% wool and 85% cotton,bound with rayon satin? 我们需要一罗71*84的双面毛毯,其中含毛15%25,含棉85%25,并且是以人造丝锻包边的,请报价。
- You need records from your parents' closet with their consent, a wool sweater, and a couple of different kinds of cereal. 你必须征求爸妈的同意,从他们的橱柜里拿一些唱片、羊毛衣,以及几种不同种类的麦片。
- The main develop products have west the leisure jacket, the list, the cotton and kapok to be ragged as well as the wool sweater series. 主要开发产品有休闲茄克、单西、棉褛以及羊毛衫系列。
- This system has the basic function of style design and technological calculation,provided the platform of product design for the middle and small scale wool sweater factory. 本系统具有款式设计和工艺计算的基本功能,为国内中小型羊毛衫厂产品设计提供了设计平台。
- I decided on the wool sweater. 我决定买那件羊毛衫。
- This is wool, wool sweater. 这是羊毛,羊毛的毛衣。
- A cashmere style can be achieved on wool sweater by softening treatment cooperatively with amine silicone oil, a kind of fatty acidamide softener and agents for bulkness and fullness. 采用氨基有机硅油、肪酰胺类软片和蓬松丰满剂进行柔软整理,可使羊毛衫获得羊绒风格。
- In line with international traditions, woolen vest and sweater are not suggested inside a suit.You can choose to wear a "V"-type monochrome wool sweater which does not preclude ties. 按照国际惯例,西装里面不加毛背心或毛衣,可以穿一件“V”型单色羊毛衫,不妨碍打领带。
- My company can provide long-term, large quantities of wool sweater supply, low prices, variety of styles, wholesale welcome. Tongxiang City in Zhejiang Province Puyuan sweater market. 我公司可以提供长期的、大量的羊毛衫供应,价格低廉,款式多种,欢迎批发。位于浙江省桐乡市濮院羊毛衫市场。
- For example, I've seen perfectly good wool sweaters at the store for less than the cost of the yarn to knit a nice sweater. 举个例子来说,我曾经在一个商店里看到了一件质量非常好的羊毛衫,而且它的价格要低于一件用纱制成的上等针织衫。
- MARC JACOBS new dot wool sweater 圆点羊毛开衫
- He pulled a red sweater on over his shirt. 他在衬衣外面套上了一件红色毛衣。
- shawl collar extra heavy wool sweater 斜领式特厚羊毛衫