- reversible magnetic process 可逆磁化过程
- Objective:To determine the electrical conductivity of the tapwater treated by magnetic process of 3 different kinds of machines,UC,HLM and HZ. 目的:比较等间隔脉冲式高梯度磁水机(UC)、等间隔湍流式高能磁水机(HLM)和高能稀土核磁处理机(HZ),对自来水电导率的影响。方法:用电导率仪测定处理过的自来水电导率。
- The magnetization process consists of many small discontinuous flux changes. 磁化过程包括许多小而不连续的磁通变化。
- reversible magnetic susceptibility 可逆磁化率
- DC reversible magnetic amplifier 直流可逆磁放大器
- An indicator that the sun's magnetic field is reversing is the appearance of sunspots with the reverse magnetic polarity than normal. 太阳磁场正在倒转的一个指示,就是出现太阳黑子发生磁极颠倒的现象。
- A first order magnetization process (FOMP) was observed in the HMD magnetization curve of Er_3Fe_ 19.5Co_6V_ 3.5 at 5K, the critical field of the FOMP was derived to be 3.8T. 磁测量表明Er3Fe19.;5Co6V3
- Using domain model of glass-covered Co-rich amorphous wires,it can be explained by the magnetization process that the GMI becomes acutely with longer length. 利用玻璃包覆钴基非晶丝的磁畴模型,分析不同长度时玻璃包覆钴基非晶丝的磁化过程,合理解释了GMI效应随玻璃包覆钴基非晶丝长度增加而明显的现象。
- Only on rare occasions do the thermodynamics work; the fluid motions and the magnetic field all evolve in a compatible manner,so the new dipole polarity can diffuse in and establish a reversed magnetic field. 只有在很少的情况下热力学才发挥作用,此时流体运动和磁场都会以相互访调的方式演化,这样新的偶极性就会散开并建立一个倒转的磁场。
- The MI peak is mainly attributed to the effect of circumferential anisotropy where the dominating magnetization process varies from domain wall movement to the magnetization rotation. 答案:磁场指示器的峰值主要由于,从畴壁位移到磁化旋转中,不同的主导/显性磁化过程的圆周各向相异磁场的作用(造成的)。
- Only on rare occasions do the thermodynamics work; the fluid motions and the magnetic field all evolve in a compatible manner, so the new dipole polarity can diffuse in and establish a reversed magnetic field. 只有在很少的情况下热力学才发挥作用,此时流体运动和磁场都会以相互访调的方式演化,这样新的偶极性就会散开并建立一个倒转的磁
- The process is not entirely reversible. 这种过程不能完全逆转。
- Two kinds of methods to add reverse magnetic field have been recommended, one is adding compensating Helmholtz coils, another is applying direct current to the rapid scan sweep coils of ESR spectrometer. 本文介绍两种附加反向直流磁场的实验方法;即外加补偿的亥姆霍兹线圈;或直接借用ESR谱仪本身的快扫描线圈;来实现过零扫描.
- Dalian is a magnet for tourists. 大连是吸引游客的地方。
- This disco is a magnet for young people. 这家迪斯科舞厅经常吸引大批年轻的顾客。
- A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢。
- A disadvantage of the turbine is that it is not reversible. 涡轮机的一个缺点就是它不可以反转。
- Certain metals are attracted to a magnet. 某些金属会受磁石的吸引。
- It shows the presence of a magnetic field. 这表明有磁场存在。
- North magnetic poles repel (each other). 磁北极与磁北极互相排斥。