- ISTAN has become the leading retail group in Japan dealing with general merchandise. 历程现在伊势丹已成为日本首屈一指的零售业集团。
- Gome Home Appliances is China's largest retail group, has set foot in the real estate industry. 中英文对照:国美是中国最大的家电零售集团,也涉足房地产等行业。
- The huge payout comes a week after Mr Green declined to pay himself a dividend following full-year results from BHS, the retail group he also owns. 支付这笔巨额股息之前的一周,格林先生旗下另一家零售集团BHS公布了全年业绩,当时他决定不给自己分红。
- The huge payout comes a week after Mr Green declined to pay himself a dividend following full-year results from BHS, the retail group he also ow . 支付这笔巨额股息之前的一周,格林先生旗下另一家零售集团BHS公布了全年业绩,当时他决定不给自己分红。
- Main Responsibilities:1.Develop Training Programs in the Retail group to introduce Retail Metrics, Customer Service Trai...... ... 公司名称:某著名外商独资企业工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-24
- The French retail group Carrefour and luxury brand Louis Vuitton are among the French interests targeted by Chinese activists both inside and outside China. 法国的零售商家乐福和奢侈品牌路易威登均被国内外的中国激进者作为(抵制)目标.
- The most expensive shopping bags come from Jusco, a large-scale Japan-invested retail group in Guangzhou, which will charge 2 yuan for its largest bags. 最贵的购物塑料袋来自吉之岛,每个购物袋收费高达2元。吉之岛由日资大型零售投资企业在广州投资建立大型超市。
- On March 31, billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault was trapped in a taxi in Paris for an hour by staff from his PPR luxury and retail group who were angry about layoffs. 上月31日,亿万富豪、PPR奢侈品和零售集团总裁弗朗西斯-亨利?皮诺特在巴黎的出租车中被因被解雇而愤怒的员工包围一小时,直到防暴警察赶来才获释。
- Giordano Group also operates a clothing business, the supply needs of the retail group at the same time, as well as third parties to provide OEM services. 佐丹奴集团亦经营制衣业务,在供应集团零售需求的同时,也为第三方提供贴牌生产服务。
- The study, led by the University of Namur and the Colruyt Retail Group, questioned both Australian and French winemakers about the state of their industries. 比利时的研究人员在研究近期的工业生产态度中指出,较之于法国,澳大利亚则更加致力于摆脱困境。
- Although the trend is largely urban-based, some retail groups are expanding in the countryside. 尽管这一趋势基本上发生在城区,但一些零售集团正在向农村扩张。
- We will provide MDP or ETP training. As the 2nd worldwide retailer group, we expect you to join us! 所述人员一旦录用我们将提供专业的培训课程。作为全球500强排名第二的零售连锁集团家乐福诚邀您的加入!
- We will provide MDP ETP training. As the 2nd wldwide retailer group, we expect you to join us! 所述人员一旦录用,我们将提供专业的培训课程。作为全球500强排名第二的零售连锁集团,家乐福诚邀您的加入!
- Golden Eagle Retail Group Limited 金鹰商贸集团有限公司,简称金鹰商贸集团
- According to Shop.org, an online retailers' group, in 1999 online penetration of the American travel market had already reached almost 2%. 根据一家在线零售集团,shop.;org的统计,1999年在线旅游业务已占据了美国旅游市场总额的将近2%25。
- We will provide MDP or ETP training and attractive welfare package.As the 2nd worldwide retailer group, we expect you to join us! 所述人员一旦录用,我们将提供专业的培训课程及良好的薪资福利待遇。作为全球500强排名第二的零售连锁集团,家乐福诚邀您的加入!
- These socks retail at 1 dollar a pair. 这些袜子零卖一美圆一双。
- Last year its retail price fell20 per cent. 去年,它的零售价格下降了百分之二十。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- Could you tell me the retail prices of these shoes? 你能告诉我这些鞋子的零售价吗?