- Little Zhenrong Chen has been able to recite poem for eulogizes our great revolutionary teacher, wise leader, respected Chairman Mao. 陈真荣同志在儿童时代已能背诵歌颂我们伟大的革命导师、英明的领袖、敬爱的毛主席的诗篇。
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将改组这家公司。
- He was elected chairman of the education committee. 他当选为教育委员会主任委员。
- The alderman was respected by the citizens. 这位市议员受到市民的敬重。
- The chairman droned on for hours. 主席一直以沉闷的语调讲了几小时。
- This clergyman is respected by all the villagers. 这位教士受到所有村民的尊敬。
- We can't reach a decision without our chairman. 主席不在场,我们无法做出决定。
- He's the honorary chairman of the committee. 他是该委员会的名誉主席。
- Chairman Mao is our great leader. 毛主席是我们的伟大领袖。
- The friar is respected by everyone. 这位修道士受到所有人的尊敬。
- The chairman led in with some apologetic remarks. 会议主席一上来就说了几句抱歉的话。
- The statesman is respected by people. 这位政治家为人们所敬重。
- The chairman's speech will be broadcast nationwide. 主席的讲话将向全国广播。
- I respected their moral standards. 我尊重他们的道德标准。
- By popular request, the chairman was re-elected. 徇众要求,主席获重选连任。
- His actions made him universally respected. 他的行为使他受到普遍尊敬。
- Bill is chairman of the executive committee. 比尔是执行委员会主席。
- Beg pardon, I don't catch the Chairman's remark. 对不起,请再说一遍,我没听清楚主席的话。
- He has no superior in this respect. 在这个方面没人能胜过他。
- Let's go back to what the chairman said earlier. 让我们回到主席先前说的问题上。