- resonance curve shapen. 共振曲线形状
- Curve shape - is used to define the falloff of the BRDF curve. 曲线弧度-通常被用作定义BRDF的效应消散范围。
- A curved shape, outline, or pattern. 波纹波纹形状、外廓或形式
- Therefore, typical nonlinear phenomena such as softening/hardening spring characteristic, jumps and separation of the resonance curve can be observed and analyzed. 因此当控制器参数变化时,系统将表现出软/硬弹簧特性,而且在主共振区将出现跳跃谐振、谐振曲线的分离现象。
- To assume a spiral or curved shape. 呈现盘旋状,呈现螺旋状
- Flowing freely curve shape,delineate the sport and the metre that calmness art possess singly. 流畅的曲线造型;勾勒出动与静之间艺术独有的韵律.
- Well logging curve shape identification is needed in study of logging sedimentology and logging sequence stratigraphy. 为了进行测井沉积学和测井层序地层学的研究,需要对测井曲线形态进行识别。
- Lesion morphous included: "V" shape (8/17), crescent shape (6/17) and irregular curve shape (3/17). 脱落的形态多呈"v"字形(8/17)和月牙形(6/17),其次不规则弧形(3/17);
- Some showing curve shape, some not to have hammer needle without nailhead, some. 有的呈弯曲状、有的无钉头、有的无钉尖。
- To demonstrate the stability of the magenta layer when the curve shape stabilizing addendum is added, tests on incubation are compared to fresh coatings. 为了证明品层的稳定性,加一种对曲线形状有稳定作用的化合物使老化实验与新鲜涂层进行比较。
- Ergonomic design, fit to the curved shape on human back. 人体工学设计,符合人体背部曲线。
- Daheck curve shape marble texture button, white lines streamlining the blouse, stylish and chic, the collar has curve lines definning upper body, great silky fabric. 丝光棉是最好的上衣材质扣日本最流行,长袖可上摺为七分,左右双侧压摺区当然显瘦,些微弹性,不易皱摺布料
- On the Translate Y curve, remove the key point at frame 22. (The preceding figures show the curve after the point was removed.) This point wasn't essential to the curve shape. (在Y平移曲线上,去掉22帧的帧点。(上面的图是曲线点已经去掉了)这个点不影响曲线外形)
- Its curved shape responds gracefully to the curved expressway entrance ramp. 它具有弧度的外形也与机场高速路入口弯道很雅致地相互呼应。
- Suitable for curved shaping of vamp leather of kinds of boots. 适用于各种靴类鞋、皮鞋的鞋面皮及革伸展曲线定型,可另配套蒸湿机构。
- Aluminum magnalium alloy made case, prevent from the sunshine, rain and snow. Modern gold curve shape design, Suitable for advanced places use such as airport, hotel, meeting hall etc. 高级双面音柱,其外壳是由铝镁合金制成,可抵挡日照雨淋、风沙雪雨,又坚固耐用,具有现代感的弧形设计外观,配以金色使其高档华贵。适合用于机场、宾馆、会议大厅等高级场所。
- A discussion on positions of inflection point in RLC series resonance curve 关于RLC串联谐振曲线拐点分布规律的讨论
- Used before curve shaping and lasting, this machine steams vamps and make the leather softer. 曲线定型前或钳帮前鞋面蒸湿软化,使皮质更加柔软。
- Used before curve shaping and lasting,this machine steams vamps and make the leather softer . 曲线定型前或钳帮前鞋面蒸湿软化;使皮质更加柔软.
- Because of the significant difference in curve shape between the normal bacteria culture and culture with antibiotics, this technique could be used to study the drug-resistance of bacteria. 因正常细菌培养基所产生的阻抗曲线图谱与在细菌培养基中滴加了抗菌药物所形成的阻抗曲线图谱形态有明显差别,利用这种阻抗曲线图谱的形态差别来判断细菌的耐药性。