- And the diversity of predatory arthropod was higher than that of resistant variety rice. 而各品种之间多样性差异较小,中抗品种优势度较高。
- The content of soluble protein and FAA increased in sensitive variety, which was contrary in resistant variety. 抗病品种接菌后可溶性蛋白含量和FAA含量下降,感病品种与此相反,表现出不同抗性品种抵抗病菌侵染的特异性。
- Activity of CAT in treatment 2 of resistant variety was the highest, treatment 3 middle, treatment 1 the lowest. 抗病品种处理2 过氧化氢酶活性最高,处理3居中,处理1最低。
- The gene of AOS is parallel to LOX in susceptible variety, but AOS always expresses in resistant variety. AOS基因在感蚜品种千斤早中与LOX表达一致,48h表达最强,在抗蚜品种ASTRON中,AOS基因持续表达。
- The speed of lignification in resistant variety was faster and the quantity oflignification was more than in susceptible variety . 大豆锈菌在抗感品种上均是从表皮角质层直接侵入,侵入时均产生木质化,但抗病品种木质化速度快且数量大。
- Histopathological changes of resistant variety K326 arid susceptible variety HONI) I)A infected by Meloidogyne incognita were studied. 摘要利用烟草抗病品种K326和感病品种红花大金元,研究了南方根结线虫侵染过程中的组织病理学变化。
- Therefore,to select RWC and PRO determined easy as important parameters of breeding heat resistant variety will reduce lots of workload and improve work efficiency. 可选择测定相对容易的RWC和PRO两个生理指标作为选育耐热品种的重要参数,将大大减少工作量,提高工作效率。
- The abundance of medial resistant variety rice was higher than that of resistant or susceptible varieties. 品种之间以中抗品种的丰富度高于抗虫和感虫品种。
- Sensitive varieties apprently respire mainly by the glycolysis pathway whereas resistant varieties depend more on the pentose phosphate pathway. 显然敏感品种的呼吸主要通过糖酵解途径,而抗性品种比较依赖戊糖磷酸途径。
- The recent progress of inheritance and molecular marker of genes resistance to the SMV strains and the molecular marker assisted-selection of resistance variety were elaborated. 对大豆花叶病毒病的研究进展从抗性遗传、抗性基因的分子标记及定位、抗病品种的分子标记辅助选择育种3个方面进行了阐述。
- Escape from disease is a hazard of all programs concerned with development of resistant varieties. 对所有抗病毒品种培育规划来说,避病是一种危险。
- Cayuga White - One of the most productive and disease resistant varieties grown. 卡尤加白-的成长最具生产力和抗病品种之一。
- Resistant varieties have been selected and recently sophisticated genetic manipulations of plants have become possible. 已筛选出有抗性的品种,近来植物的复杂基因操作已变成可能。
- A variety of food is sold at a supermarket. 超级市场各式各样的食物均有出售。
- Sensitive varieties apparently respire mainly by the glycolysis pathway whereas resistant varieties depend more on the pentose phosphate pathway. 显然敏感品种的呼吸主要通过糖酵解途径,而抗性品种比较依赖戊糖磷酸途径。
- A great variety of flowers were shown in the park. 公园里展出了很多品种的花。
- Exploiting the resistant genes and developping resistant varieties has been improved to be the most effective way to control BLS in rice. 开发和利用水稻本身的抗病性,培育抗病品种是防治水稻细条病最简单有效的措施。
- I have a variety of books at home. 我家中有好多书。
- His lecture ranged over a variety of topics. 他的演讲涉及到很多论题。
- Then A new classification rule of brown leaf sheath is built for the screening of rice resistant varieties in greenroom. 但如无雄螨,斯氏狭跗线螨可进行孤雌生殖,且后代都是雄螨,因此,其属产雄孤雌生殖。