- resistance strain technology 电阻应变技术
- Two basic forms of the resistance strain gage are the bounded and the unbounded types. 电阻应变片有粘贴式和非粘贴式两种基本形式。
- The situation about drug resistance and the anti-biotic resistant strain test. 抗药性情况及抗生素的耐药菌株试验。
- GB/T 188062002 general specification for the resistance strain pressure tranducer/ sensor[S].Beijing:Standards Press of China,2004. GB/T 18806-2002 电阻应变式压力传感器总规范[S].;北京:中国标准出版社;2004
- No resistant strain to vancomycin and teicoplanin in Staphylococcus is found. 未发现万古霉素和替考拉宁耐药的葡萄球菌;
- This article talks about the working principle of resistance strain gage direct current bridge measure circuit. It gives a description about how the variable gain amplifier AD8221 improves CMRR in strain measurement and the ESD protecting measure. 论述电阻应变片直流电桥测量电路的工作原理,介绍可变增益放大器AD8221在应变测量中的应用,并对其提高共模抑制比以及对ESD的防护措施进行阐述。
- Abstract: The crook measurement can be made by using metal resistance strain gauge sensor,the digits can be displayed on the three-bit liquid crystral display.A new instrument-digits displayed moment spanner is also designed. 文摘:利用金属电阻应变计式传感器测量弯矩,用三位半液晶显示器显示弯矩值的大小,并依据这一原理,设计出一种新型工具??数显力矩扳手。
- Speckle tracking two-dimensional strain technology 超声斑点追踪二维应变技术
- This is how resistant strains emerge. 这也就造成耐药菌株的出现。
- It has a lot of applications in material science, mechanics, machine, aeronautics and petrochemistry.The conventional resistance strain sensor has played the key role in short-time strain measuring. 传统的电阻应变片在面向监测周期比较短的待监测对象方面发挥了重要的作用,但是也存在寿命短,温漂等问题。
- The whole creep testing system is developed by creep machine, extensometer, resistance strain gage, A/D translation board, computer and a set of software which can collect creep data automatically. 本文对树脂基三维编织复合材料的蠕变测试方法进行了深入研究,采用自行研制的蠕变机,利用引伸计、电阻应变仪、A/D转换器、计算机等仪器,自行编制的蠕变数据自动采集软件形成了一套蠕变测试系统。
- Objective:To investigate the resistance of Bllattella germanica resistance strain to chlorfluazuron and flufenoxuron ,to study the relation between the resistance and the changing of MFO. 目的:测试抑太保、卡死克等对德国小蠊抗性品系的敏感性及与多功能氧化酶活力变化之间的关系。
- The authors have studied many deformation regimes of rocking forming.Using resistance strain gages and photoplasticity methods, it is proved that the parameters selected for the rocking forging... 研究了摆辗成形规律,采用电测法和光塑性法证实了所选用的摆辗工艺参数合理,为推广该工艺提供了技术准备。
- When the two were grown in cultures containing doxycycline the resistant strain, as expected, did better. 当两个菌群都在脱氧土霉素的环境下生长的时候,拥有抗药性的菌群如期望中一样活得很好。
- Real time friction coefficient could be measured out by a self-exploited probe sensor with structure of dual cantalevers, which based on the theory of resistance strain slice and dual cantilevers. 最后实际试验数据证明,该系统能够真实地反映板料拉深成形过程中法兰平面亡的实际摩擦分布情况。
- Multi-drug resistant strains had no characteristic serotype. 对多种抗生素耐药株无特定的血清型。
- Objective To analyze the genetic characteristics of deltamethrin resistant strain of Anopheles anthropophagus. 目的对实验室选育的嗜人按蚊抗溴氰菊酯品系进行抗性遗传特性分析。
- The firm has to overcome its resistance to new technology. 这家公司必须克服对采用新技术的阻力。
- The RNA polymerase activity of H37Rv strain was strongly inhibited by RFD, but not that of the resistant strain. 提取及分析结核杆菌RNA聚合酶,发现敏感菌酶活性受利福定明显抑制,耐药菌酶活性则未见抑制。
- Pseudomonas fluorescens A46 was a phage resistant strain obtained from the mutation of the strain K1005 by using U. 荧光假单胞菌A46是通过紫外线诱变K1005菌株所得到的一株抗噬菌体菌株。