- They were the mainstay in the War of Resistance Against Japan. 他们是抗日战争的中流砥柱。
- Why is the War of Resistance Against Japan a protracted war? 抗日战争为什么是持久战?
- The War of Resistance against Japan was a lasting national battle. 抗日战争就是一场旷久的民族战争。
- He was renamed “Liu Shui” during the War of Resistance Against Japan. 他在抗日战争期间改名“刘水”。
- Many Chinese people perished in the War of Resistance Against Japan. 许多中国人在抗日战争中死去。
- He joined the army in the later stage of the War of Resistance Against Japan. 他在抗日战争后期参军。
- People tend to relate Lugou Bridge to the War of Resistance against Japan. 人们习惯于将芦沟桥与抗日战争联系起来。
- These are the basic principles of field operations for the War of Resistance Against Japan. 这些,就是抗日战争战场作战的基本方针。
- An understanding of this point will help us in successfully waging the War of Resistance Against Japan from now on. 认识这一点,对于今后进行胜利的抗日战争是有利益的。
- The paper analyzed the conditions, reasons and importance of this mew view of the War of Resistance Against Japan. 这种新抗战史观的形成有其特定的条件、原因与意义,值得关注。
- The picture shows team appealing for resistance against Japan on the streets of Mandalay. 图为工作队高举队旗在曼德勒市街头宣传抗日。
- In the War of Resistance Against Japan,regular warfare is primary and guerrilla warfare supplementary. 抗日战争中,正规战争是主要的,游击战争是辅助的。
- It will soon be July 7,the first anniversary of the great War of Resistance Against Japan. 伟大抗日战争的一周年纪念,七月七日,快要到了。
- Earlier,during the War of Resistance Against Japan,we had also stood at the gateway. 还要说远一点,在抗日战争时,我们就处在一个大门的地位。
- Now I should like to talk about our Party's experience during the War of Resistance Against Japan. 我再介绍一下我们党在抗日战争时期的经验。
- Hence,our war of resistance against Japan takes on the character of a struggle for perpetual peace. 因此,我们的抗日战争包含着为争取永久和平而战的性质。
- The armed forces and the people led by the Communist Party have already become the mainstay in the War of Resistance Against Japan. 共产党领导的武力和民众已成了抗日战争中的中流砥柱。
- It is precisely in the present War of Resistance Against Japan that we are striving to reach the turning point from failure to victory. 抗日战争就要努力达到这个由失败到胜利的转变点。
- Why Jin Richeng came to northeast of China from Korea to support War of Resistance Against Japan? 金日成为何从朝鲜来到中国东北参加抗日战争?
- Buddhist Soldier of Resistance Against Japan: Buddhists in Shaolin Monastery? Buddhists of Shaolin School? 抗倭僧兵:少林寺僧?少林派僧?