- She was forced to resign for rehearsing account. 她因做假帐而被解雇。
- resignment for fault 引咎辞职
- The president will have to resign for being involved in a political scandal. 总统将由于牵扯一桩政治丑闻而被迫辞职。
- He resigned for no other reason than this. 他辞职不外是为了这个理由。
- He resigned for a variety of reasons. 他由于种种原因辞职了。
- She resigned for personal reasons. 她出于个人原因而辞职。
- This paper discusses two methods of analysis that have been utilized for fault detection. 本文讨论了两种用于故障探测的方法。
- When you are looking for faults to correct, look in the mirror. 当你想找出错误以便更改,那就看看镜子。
- Praises guessed that made about 20 minutes speech at the Bangkok Langman Airport saying that he could not resign for the populace benefit.? 颂猜在曼谷廊曼机场发表大约20分钟的讲话说,为了民众利益他不能辞职。
- One of my roommates were looking for job for about three months ,I couldn't resign for I was only a green hand in this society. 我的一个同学连续找了三个月的工作(都没有结果),在这个社会中我只是个新手,所以我不能轻易辞职。
- New Approach for Fault Detection for Nonlinear System Based on Frame Theory of Hilbert Space. 一种非线性系统故障检测新方法。
- The simplest thing is for him to resign at once. 最简单的做法就是他立即辞职。
- We furnish some of the results and highlight the specific features that can be employed for fault detection. 我们提供某些结果,并概述可以用于故障探测的某些特征。
- This text combines the system of civil servants' resign for te blame and try to inquiry into the advantages and disadvantages of various superintendence models. 本文结合公务员引咎辞职制度这一新制度探讨各种监督模式的优劣。
- Introduction and applicability of liability for fault to a labor contract has its necessity and feasibility. 摘要在作为特殊合同的劳动合同制度中引入、适用缔约过失责任理论具有必要性和可行性。
- A novel method is proposed for fault diagnosis of linearly nonreciprocal analog circuits. 本文提出一种用最大秩逆矩阵诊断线性模拟电路故障的新方法。
- The multiple attribute decision making (MADM) algorithm for fault diagnosis expert system was put forward. 摘要设计了故障诊断专家系统中的多属性决策算法。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- And some relevant geologic data regression equations for fault scarp formed in the past 2700 years have been obtained. 获得了相应地区断层陡坎的一些资料和距今2700年左右形成的断层陡坎回归方程。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?