- resignation and exile 辞职和流亡
- The manager announced his resignation and everybody mourned. 经理宣布了他的辞职,大家都感到惋惜。
- With his second abdication and exile, the era of the Napoleonic Wars ended. 拿破仑战争时代随著拿破仑第二次的退位和流放而结束。
- But Sha Mayi expressed explicitly cannot resign and dissolve the parliament. 但沙马已明确表示不会辞职和解散议会。
- She was forced to resign and the compensation made up for her lost earnings. 她被迫辞职,获得一些赔偿,以弥补她的收入损失。
- I resigned and was duly pensioned off. 我辞职了,并适当地领取了一笔退休金。
- Confucius resigned and left the country. 孔子于是辞职并离开鲁国。
- Yet his rich experience as a diplomat and exile made him go beyond the theme of love. 聂鲁达有着丰富的阅历,他当过外交官,曾流亡国外,因此,他的诗歌主题多样,并不仅仅限于男女情爱。
- In a case in Tianjin in 1870 alone,the Western powers compelled the Qing government to execute 20 people and exile 25. 其中,仅1870年“天津教案”,西方列强就强迫清朝官府处死中国民众20人,流放25人。
- He has said he will not resign and says he expects to be vindicated. 但他说他不会辞职,并希望能洗脱罪名。
- In a case in Tianjin in 1870 alone, the Western powers compelled the Qing government to execute 20 people and exile 25. 其中,仅1870年"天津教案",西方列强就强迫清朝官府处死中国民众20人,流放25人。
- She resigned and handed over to one of her younger colleagues. 她辞职了,由一位比她年轻的同事接任。
- By warfare and exile you contend with her- with his fierce blast he drives her out, as on a day the east wind blows. 你打发他们去,是相机宜与他们相争;刮东风的日子,就用暴风将他们逐去。
- He has resigned and will hand over charge of his office today. 他已辞职,将在今日办移交手续。
- The traders endured their isolation and exile by making it as comfortable as possible. 贸易者靠让日子过得尽可能舒服来忍受离乡背井的隔离。
- Blanche’s experiences embody expulsion and exile, which, in Foucault’s opinion, are inseparable from power. 本文首先论述了“性”的话语,因为这是剧中大部分冲突的核心。
- The newspaper publish the minister's letter of resignation and the prime minister's reply. 报纸公布了该大臣的辞职书和首相的答复。
- The torture and exile of relatives did not dislodge his faith; nor did Stalin's discombobulating death. 苦难与亲人的流放都没有动摇他的信念;即便是斯大林令人泄气的死亡也没能让他清醒过来。
- Morrel raised his two hands to heaven with an expression of resignation and sublime gratitude. 莫雷尔带着一种听天由命和崇高的感激的表情举手向天。