- Internal and external stability conditions for fractional order linear time-invariant systems are given using Laplace transform and residue theorem. 运用拉普拉斯变换和留数定理,给出并证明了分数阶线性定常系统的内部和外部稳定性条件,并讨论了其相互关系。
- Any odd prime number P has (p-1)/2 quadratic residue. This is the quadratic residue theorem. 任何奇素数p有(p-1)/2个二次剩余,此就是二次剩余定理。
- The application of residue theorem 关于残数定理的一些应用
- The Generalization and Application of Logarithmic Residue Theorem 对数留数定理的推广及应用
- Summation to Calculate a Class Infinite Series by Using Residue Theorem 应用留数定理计算一类级数求和问题
- The Research on Bearing out Identical Relations of Algebra by Residue Theorem 关于应用残数定理证明代数恒等式问题的探讨
- The residue of estate belongs to his son. 剩余财产属于他的儿子。
- Generalized Residue Theorem for Vector-valued Generalized M-Analytic Function and Their Applications 向量值广义M-解析函数的广义留数定理及其应用
- Keywords Trigonometric sums;Combinatorial identities;Formal power series;Hy-pergeometric series;residue theorem;Partial fraction;Cyclotomic polynomial; 三角函数和;组合恒等式;形式幂级数;超几何级数;留数定理;部分分式;割圆多项式;
- The residue after an ore or other material has been washed. 洗后的渣矿物或其他物质洗后剩下的渣滓
- Application of Residues Theorem to Improper Integral 留数定理在广义积分中的应用
- Let us restate the assertions above as a theorem. 我们把上述的断言重新表述为一个定理。
- Their difference is a quadratic residue of 17. 它们的差是17的平方剩余。
- The second proof of Theorem 26 is due to James. 定理26的第二个证明属于詹姆斯。
- Theorem g is called binomial theorem. 定理g称为二项式定理。
- The residue is progressively enriched in carbon. 残留部分愈来愈富含碳质。
- The syrup dried up, leaving a sticky residue. 糖浆变干后留下粘稠的东西。
- This completes the proof of the convexity theorem. 这就完成了凸定理的证明。
- Brandy distilled from grape or apple residue. 渣酿白兰地酒由葡萄或苹果残渣酿成的白兰地
- This calculation illustrates the theorem. 这个计算说明了这样一个定理。