- The study include conventional reservoir fluid PVT tests, swelling tests,multiple contact tests, slim tube and long core-flooding experiments. 这些研究包括油藏流体的普通PVT测试、加气膨胀、多次接触实验、细管和长岩心驱替实验。
- It is still at study that pyrolysis gas chromatography technology is applied in the evaluation of reservoir fluid property. 热解气相色谱技术应用于储集层流体性质评价目前还处在探索阶段。
- Dual anisotropism is a basic characteristic of porous medium.It has an effect on the flow of reservoir fluid and oil and gas production. 双重各向异性是多孔介质的一个基本性质,它对油藏流体的流动乃至油气生产都有一定的影响。
- How to judge the reservoir fluid property accurately and visually has been one of the projects of well logging interpretation. 如何准确、直观地判断储层流体性质一直以来都是测井解释研究的重要课题之一。
- LANG Dong-sheng.Pyrogenation and gas chromatogram evaluation technology of reservoir fluid [M].Beijing:Petroleum Industry Press, 1999: 43-46. [6]郎东升.;储层流体的热解及气相色谱评价技术[M]
- In case of a condensing gas drive, the original reservoir fluid and the injection gas are not miscible, but miscibility may be achieved at a later time, at the injection well. 如果进行凝析气驱,注入井中的原始液体与注入气在起初是不可能混相的,但过一定时间混相则可能发生。
- The effects of reservoir fluid property in high and low pressure and the starting pressure gradient on the percolation laws were taken into account in this model. 给出了极限井底流压和产量拐点的求解方法,分析了启动压力梯度、流体性质等因素对低渗透油藏油井产能的影响。
- Various evaluation parameter calculation methods are established by logging data according to different reservoir fluid properties,on the basis of logging geologic evaluation methods and standards. 应用录井资料并依据录井地质评价储层方法和准则,按照储层流体性质的不同建立了各类评价参数的求取方法;
- Chrome tubing is classified as a corrosion-resistant alloy and is used where the wellbore conditions or reservoir fluid create a corrosive environment that conventional tubing cannot safely withstand. 高铬油管是一种耐腐蚀合金,用于井筒条件或储层流体产生腐蚀性环境的情况,这种腐蚀性环境是常规油管不能安全地耐受的。
- To indicate the reservoir fluid directly,people proposed different fluid factors which have different sensitivities to the fluid of reservoirs. 在储层流体预测中,人们提出了不同的流体因子直接指示储层流体,不同的流体因子对储层流体的敏感性不同。
- Once the heavier mud is in place and the reservoir fluids contained, the Pipe Rams are opened and drilling resumes. 较重的泥浆流动到位并将储集层流体纳入其中后,“闸板”即被打开,钻探作业恢复。
- An uncontrolled flow of reservoir fluids into the wellbore, and sometimes catastrophically to the surface. 一种进入井眼内而不可控制的油藏流体流,有时对地面会形成灾难。
- In modern rotary drilling, especially formulated mud is used in the well to keep the reservoir fluids in place, among other functions. 在现代旋转钻探作业中,经特殊配制的泥浆的功用之一就是使油井中储集层流体保持在原位不动。
- If reservoir fluids flow into another formation and do not flow to the surface, the result is called an underground blowout. 如果油藏流体流入另一层地层,而不是喷至地面,这种结果称之为地下井喷。
- Therefore,present reservoir fluids are analyzed,CO2 expansion test is conducted,and fluid properties are compared before and after gas injection to determine stimulation mechanism. 为此,首先对油井目前流体进行相态分析,并对油藏流体进行CO2膨胀实验,然后将注气前后地层流体的物性进行对比,确定CO2增产机理。
- This reservoir is used to store water for our town. 这个水库是用来为我们小镇储存水的。
- Repeated injection and production of reservoir fluids had led to the change of pressure difference inside and outside of pores and the change of rock compressibility, porosity and permeability. 油气藏流体反复注采,使得孔隙内外压差不断变化,导致岩石压缩系数、孔隙度、渗透率等物性参数也在不断发生变化。
- History is a reservoir of human experience. 历史是人类经历的总汇。
- This reservoir supplies the entire city with water. 这个水库为全城供水。
- They used to breed fish in the reservoir. 他们过去一直在水库养鱼。