- Must be experienced in using the Internet as a daily research tool. 习惯于使用英特网作为日常的搜索工具。
- SV40 has long been used as a research tool to induce cancers in cell cultures. SV40长期以来用作在培养细胞中诱导癌症的研究工具。
- An engineering flight simulator used as a multipurpose teaching and research tool. 一种用作多目的的教学与研究工具的工程飞行模拟器。
- VR has great potential as a market research tool for understanding consumer preferences and behaviors. VR有很大的潜力成为市场研究工具,来了解消费者偏好与行为。
- As a research tool, the IAT has fed close to 300 papers in fields ranging from neuroscience to marketing. 从神经科学到行销学,做为一个研究工具,联结测验已成就了将近300份论文;
- On a small scale, iron fertilization can be a powerful research tool, Chisholm maintains. 齐泽姆主张,小规模施铁肥可以是一个非常有用的研究工具。
- Gene chip is a research tool on molecular biology which can detect generous gene expression rapidly. 基因芯片是一种能快速检测大量基因表达的分子生物学研究工具。
- The research tools are the vision-eikon-compare test 1 and test 2. 挑选受试者在同一时段先进行前测卷,再进行后测卷,测试完毕后再进行比较分析。
- Jim LeichterThere is work that we can do using this research tool that would be difficult or perhaps impossible by, by other means. 借助这个水下实验室,我们可以进行一些原本十分困难或者根本不可能进行的研究。
- Genotyping for HBV is only a research tool and not available for commercial or routine use. Its status is like what DNA test was 10 yrs ago. 乙肝基因型鉴定现在多用于科研,规范性的商业应用还不是很普及,很象10年前的DNA化验。
- The geometric research tool can be used to explore numerically and symbolically various theorems and relationships of 2-D analytic geometry. 几何学研究工具能用来数量上和象征性探索2-D 分析的几何学的各种各样的定理和关系。
- The advent of the Web as a research tool has greatly expanded the availability of information while reducing the amount of time needed on each task. 网络作为一种研究工具的出现,极大地拓展知识的获取的范围,大大地降低了我们在每一项工作上所耗费的时间。
- Yang, H., Leland, Y.K., Yost, D. and Massey, R.J. (1994), “Electro-chemilumininescence: a new diagnostic and research tool,” Bio/Technology, 12, 193-194. 朱正炜(1994);“光学薄膜之光学常数测量方法之研究;”国立中央大学光电科学研究所博士论文.
- As a assistant research tool, market simulation can help market managers to analogize the rules of market, optimize the market design and train the trading person. 市场仿真作为一种市场研究工具,也有助于市场管理者分析竞标规则并优化电力市场的设计,并且能为市场培训竞标人员。
- It can provide a generaluseful research tool of distributed co_designing, communication, resou_rce sharing, distributed process and so on for radar designers. 即使该数据库系统成为雷达设计师进行分布式联合设计、通信、资源共享、分布式处理等机制的,具有较强通用性的研究工具。
- In this article, we use Likert-type scale as the research tool of data collection, and implement the empirical study aim at the government departments of the province. 本文利用李克特量表作为数据收集的研究工具,面向某省级政府部门展开实证研究。
- Abstract The Biped walking desktop-robot is not only applied widely in teaching, competitions and entertainments, but also treated as a research tool of biped walking. 摘 要 桌面型的两足步行机器人不仅在教学、比赛和娱乐等方面应用广泛,并且也可以作为两足步行研究的平台。
- The justification for patenting DNA sequences of unclear function was that these ESTs could serve as research tools. 为这些功能未知的DNA序列申请专利的理由,是它们可以做为研究的工具。
- We study outliers and explore “the spaces in between,” using familiar research tools in unfamiliar ways. 我们用熟知的研究工具,用不停探索出的新的方法来挖掘产品设计。
- Wallowa School District - Has school academic projects, board meetings, and library research tools. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。