- Research on property of cement mixed with magnetized water. 磁化水影响水泥性能的研究。
- I during my master’ degree study, have done some research on properties of metakaolin concrete under wetting and drying cycle conditions. 在硕士学习期间,我做了些干湿循环环境对偏高领土混凝土性能影响的研究。
- Research on the main properties of cit. 川渝柚类主要性状的研究;
- A Experimental Research on Properties of EPS EPS材料性能的实验研究
- Research on Properties of Coagulant Polysilicate Aluminium Sulfate 聚硅硫酸铝混凝性能的研究
- Research on Properties of Face-Plate Concrete for Shuibuya Project 水布垭工程面板混凝土性能试验研究
- He is making a textual research on this problem. 他在对这个问题进行考证。
- Research on Properties of Holohedral Symmetry Real Matrix 论全对称实矩阵的性质
- Experimental research on properties of bituminous emulsion 乳化沥青混凝土材料性能试验研究
- Research on the subject is an ongoing process. 这个主题的研究是正在进行中的。
- She's doing some research on AIDS. 她在从事艾滋病研究。
- Feasibility Research on Beef Processing in Datu. 丹徒县肉牛加工项目的可行性研究。
- I need to do some of my own research on this. 在这一项上我必须亲自做一些研究。
- Sarah is carrying out research on modern art. 莎拉正在研究现代艺术。
- I'm doing some research on the subject. 我正就这一课题进行研究。
- Italian chemist. He shared a1963 Nobel Prize for research on polymers. 纳塔,朱里奥1903-1979意大利化学家,因对聚合体的研究获得了1963年诺贝尔奖
- German chemist. He shared a1963 Nobel Prize for research on polymers. 齐格勒,卡尔·瓦尔德玛1898-1973德国化学家,因发现聚合物而获1963年的诺贝尔奖
- Similar test research on property of simulated rock 模拟岩性的相似试验研究
- They did research on how to raise the forage yield. 进行研究如何提高饲料产量。
- Research on Properties of Pavement Bituminous Mixtures using Diabase and basalt 辉绿岩与玄武岩沥青混凝土路面性能对比试验研究