- There is a substantial research effort being made in this laboratory and else where. 在这个实验室及其他地方作了一些实质性的研究工作。
- But Iraq's research efforts did not stop there. 但伊拉克并没有停止努力。
- The ship mathematization has bring birth to a grave change in ship designing, building craft and research effort. 船舶的“数学化”给船舶设计、建造工艺和研究工作带来重大的变革,特别是在电子计算机被广泛应用于造船工业的今天,更是如此。
- He says Enron wants to send a message about "how viscerally its senior management feels about our research effort. 他说,“安然”想要表达“它的高层官员对我们的研究工作作何感想”。
- ARO is responsible for planning, organizing and implementing the greater part of Israel's agricultural research effort. 它承担着以色列国家农业科研项目的规划、组织和实施。
- That means the best companies from around the world choose Britain to base their investments in Europe, and to help in their global research effort. 这意味着世界上最好的国家都把英国作为他们在欧洲的投资基地,并帮助它们的全球研发活动。
- Aesthetic is an important part of Baudelaire's aesthetic thinking, but the research effort in this respect is far from adequate. 波德莱尔的唯美主义文艺观是其美学思想的一个重要部分,但目前这方面的研究仍然很薄弱。
- Now, the research effort faces other areas of unmet need, such as the adjuvant setting of resection/local ablation and combination therapies. 现在,这个研究成果正面临一些其他未曾涉及的领域,比如切除术/局部切除术和联合治疗的辅助治疗。
- The broader research effort for which Mr Coase called has fostered a richer understanding of how firms respond to customers and rivals. 科斯呼吁要对工业组织方面加大研究力度,而如今,对企业如何应对顾客及竞争对手,学界已有更多认识。
- The history, the present research effort, the potential applications and the existing problems of adaptive backstepping control are discussed. 在此介绍了反推自适应控制的基本思想和方法,该领域国内外研究现状和工程应用情况,讨论了其存在的问题及可能的研究方向。
- Although quadrant IV gives us a certain level of aspiration, we should be very careful to avoid giving the status of quadrant IV to every research effort or journal publication. 虽然象限4给我们一些渴望的标准,我们应该非常小心避免给予象限4的状况去每一个研究努力或是期刊的发行。
- This stratification does not say much about the quality of research, including the extent to which a given research effort is consistent with its objectives, methodology, etc. 这个分层不是说许多关于研究的品质,包括范围,给定的研究努力与它的目标,方法论,等等
- Although there has been much research effort being devoted to the design of multipath routing mechanisms, for MANETs they are not tailored to in wireless access networks. 但是,目前尚未有特别针对无线应用网路的多重路径绕线机制的提出,为了弥补这一部分的不足,并考虑到日渐普遍的无线应用网路的特质。
- The objective of this research effort is to disassemble logo elements and restructure logo design rules for the development of a computer-aided logo design system. 本研究运用解构商标元素,并重新建构商标设计的法则,以探讨应用设计法则于商标设计之可行性。
- During the past decades, considerable research effort has been directed towards the development of metal matrix composites (MMCs) , and much progress has been made. 在过去几十年里,研究人员倾注了大量的精力来研究金属基复合材料,取得了很多的成果。
- Its proud successes and its spectacular flops spurred research efforts. 它的应用有多少次辉煌的成就,也有不少次显然的失败,这就推动了对它的研究工作。
- And utilities can piggy-back on research efforts for vehicle batteries. 公用事业机构可以利用汽车电池的研究成果。
- Louis, led the research effort, which also involved co-authors Honggang Cui, a recent doctoral graduate, and doctoral student Sheng Zhong at UD, and Zhiyun Chen, a doctoral advisee of Wooley's. 使用超级显微镜太过麻烦,而通过研究结构来做一些推测往往又不够准确。
- To bring a magnetic chameleon processor to market will require an interdisciplinary research effort that uses the combined skills of specialists in materials science and technology, hardware design and electronics, computer sciences, and mathematics. 要让磁性变色龙处理器在未来可以打入市场,将需要结合材料科技、体设计与电子学、算机科学以及数学等各领域专家的跨领域研究。
- Research efforts continue at many university and industrial laboratories to circumvent these technical problems. 许多大学实验室和工业实验室继续努力研究克服这些技术难题。