- rescue of ship from sinking 救助舰艇防沉
- He bought his son a model of ship from the USA. 他给儿子从美国买了一个轮船模型。
- If they can pump all this water out,they can save the ship from sinking. 如果他们能把水抽出来,船就不会下沉。
- If they can pump all this water out, they can save the ship from sinking. 如果他们能把水抽出来,船就不会下沉。
- Every man stayed at his post; and,by their great courage,they managed to save the ship from sinking. 大家都坚守岗位,终于以极大的勇力使船沉没。
- The captain exercised all reasonable diligence to prevent the ship from sinking. 船长使出浑身解数不让船下沉。
- Every man stayed at his post; and, by their great courage, they managed to save the ship from sinking. 大家都坚守岗位,终于以极大的勇力使船沉没。
- The ship's captain ordered that all extra cargo be jettisoned to prevent the ship from sinking. 船长下令把多余的货物都扔掉,以免船只沉没。
- The ships captain ordered that all extra cargo be jettisoned to prevent the ship from sinking. 船长下令把所有多余的货物都扔掉,以免船只沉没。
- Have you read the article about the rescue of the hostage? 你看了关于营救人质的文章了吗?
- Do you read the article about the rescue of the two fishermen? 你读过关于营救两个渔民的文章吗?
- Did you read the article about the rescue of the two fishermen? 你读过那篇关于营救两名渔夫的文章吗?
- The Registrar may exempt any class of ships from all or any of the requirements of this section. 注册官可豁免任何级别的船舶,使其不受本条所有或任何规定规限。
- Never rest day or night in his rescue of beings. 日夜不休救眾生。
- Run to the rescue of people in trouble. 跑着去救援陷入困境中的人们。
- Did you read the article about the rescue of the little girl? 你读过那篇关于营救那个小女孩的文章吗?
- Q: Can crew from sinking ships be rescued? 问:舰船沉没了,其中的船员是否可能被营救?
- The captain had to hold the wheel firmly to prevent the ship from broaching to. 船长牢牢掌住航轮,以防船的侧面迎着风浪。
- The rescue of a shipwrecked crew is a heroic action. 抢救遇难船员是一种勇敢的行为。
- The sailors took command of the ship from the cruel captain and marooned him on a desert island. 水手们从残酷的船长手中夺过了指挥权,把他放逐到一个荒岛上。