- Economic Analysis of the Requisition of Farming Land and the Original Approaches of It 农地征用制度的制度经济学分析与创新路径研究
- requisition of farming land 农地征用
- There is a high percentage of farm land going unused. 闲置农田所占比例很高。
- The resources of farming land, fresh water, sunlight, energy et al. in Israel, to some extent, are similar to the west part of China. 以色列在土地、淡水、光热、能源以及与农业有关的自然资源方面和我国中西部许多地区有类似之处。
- Manorama used to own more than 8 acres of farm land, but is now left with less than 1 acre and a small paddy (rice) crop - barely enough to feed her family through the year. 马洛马曾有8英亩多的农地,不过现在剩不到1英亩,和一片小小稻田,根本不够一家糊口。
- The quite specific and variegated structure of the use of farm land also influences the low level of adaptability of agriculture. 该相当具体的和杂色的结构使用的农地也影响了水平低,适应性农业。
- One ruse is to pay meagre compensation and then change the status of farm land to residential or industrial, increasing its value at a stroke. 手法之一是支付少量补偿金获得农地,然后将农地变成住宅或工业用地,一举增加土地价值。
- Manorama used to own more than8 acres of farm land, but is now left with less than1 acre and a small paddy( rice) crop- barely enough to feed her family through the year. 马洛马曾有8英亩多的农地,不过现在剩不到1英亩,和一片小小稻田,根本不够一家糊口。
- Bringing the need of progressive consolidation of farm land and finally the appearance of a typical figure of modern agriculture all over the world: the contractor. 这些都使农业土地的集中化成为一种需要,并最终导致了承包户作为现代农业新形态在全世界范围内的出现。
- The use rights of shoaly land include use right of construction land, use right of farming land, and use right of sea, and it is possible for use right of sea to change to use right of land. 沿海滩涂上的使用权,既有建设用地使用权、农用地使用权,又有海域使用权,并且海域使用权有向土地使用权转化的可能。
- As a result of limited supply of farm land and labour,competition from imports,raised environmental standards and calls for improved farm hygiene and safe produce,the local agriculture industry has to adapt rapidly to sustain its long-term development. 由于农地和人力不足、进口食品带来竞争、环保标准提升,以及市民对农场卫生和农产品安全的要求提高,业界必须迅速适应转变,以求持续长远发展。
- Beginning in1961 they began to reform their way of farming. 从1961年起他们开始改革耕作方法。
- As a result of limited supply of farm land and labour, competition from imports, raised environmental standards and calls for improved farm hygiene and safe produce, the local agriculture industry has to adapt rapidly to sustain its long-term development. 由于农地和人力不足、进口食品带来竞争、环保标准提升,以及市民对农场卫生和农产品安全的要求提高,业界必须迅速适应转变,以求持续长远发展。
- Increasingly, farm land is yielding to property development. 地产的发展逐渐占据了农田。
- Cotton accounts for less than 3% of farmed land globally but consumes about a quarter of the pesticides. 种植棉花占用的土地在世界上不到3%25但棉花种植却消耗了25%25的杀虫剂。
- I read your study of farming with interest . 我颇有兴趣地阅读了你的耕作方面的论文。
- The commercial requisition of land should be compensated in marketing price. 商业性征地必须按市场价格补偿。
- She can do every kind of farm work. 样样农活她都拿得起来。
- The Transfer of Use Rights of Farming Land 农地使用权转让探析
- The export of farm produce needs to be expanded. 努力扩大农产品出口。