- This is one of the required subjects. 这是必修课之一。
- Chinese and mathematics are required subjects. 语文和数学是必修课。
- Gymnastics is a required subject. 体育是必修的课程。
- One of the required subjects in a course of nursing is known as materia medica. 培养护士过程中必修课之一是药物学。
- The teacher's job is very important.She is responsible for making sure that the child learns the required subjects. 教师的工作是很重要的,她负责保证孩子们应学的课程。
- Arithmancy is a required subject for those interested in a career in wizard banking at Gringotts (OP29). 古灵阁咒语破解员(火焰杯)想要去古灵阁工作的巫师,需要学习数学算命法。(凤凰社,第二十九章)
- The availability of general education required subjects and general education elective subjects are subject to change, see announcements posted on the UIC website. 此科目用以替代其它学生必修之通识教育科目“信息科技”).
- The author suggests that human resources management should be taught as a required subject in this school, along with science courses. 作者建议,这所学校开设人力资源管?
- Music course of primary & middle schools as a part of basic education and required subject is becoming mature with the progress of human culture and the development of society. 中小学音乐课作为基础教育的组成部分和必修学科,随着人类文化的进步和社会的发展而不断成熟。
- Certificates of the Intramural Courses are applicable upon the completion of the required subjects and credit hours, providing that the intramural courses are approbated by the university. 修满各学程规定之科目与学分者,得申请由学校发给学程修读证明。但须经核准始可修读之学程,未经核准者不发给证明。
- CSRC may adjust the aforesaid requirements subject to the developments of securities market. 中国证监会根据证券市场发展情况,可以调整上述资产规模等条件。
- Experiment 1 examined explicit processing of expressions by requiring subjects to attend to, and judge, facial expression. 实验1测试表情的外显运作,通过要求受试者去注意、并判断,脸部表情。
- Experiment 2 examined implicit processing of expressions by requiring subjects to attend to, and judge, facial gender, which was counterbalanced in both experimental conditions. 实验2测试表情的内隐运作,通过要求受试者去注意、并判断人脸性别,它们是同时在两个实验情况中相互保持平衡的。
- He can drone on for hours about his pet subjects. 他能就他的宠物侃侃而谈几小时。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有乘客都必须出示车票。
- Verbal protocol method requires subjects to verbalize the internal processes of human beings' complex mind activities, and provide a new perspective and an effective way to probe cognitive processes. 摘要口语报告法,将内部操作的复杂心理活动外部语言化,从而为探测人类认知过程提供了全新视角和有效途径。
- I found many subjects of theatre in almanac. 我在年鉴中找到了许多戏剧方面的资料。
- All the subjects are well posed. 所有的东西都摆好了位置。
- How many subjects are you studying this semester? 这学期你选了几门课程?