- So it is necessary to construct the system of reprieve prosecution in our country. 因此我们有必要从立法上确立和规范暂缓起诉制度。
- The emerging research on Reprieve Prosecution System in China distinguishes itself from Constitution-based Suspension as well as Prosecution or Non-prosecution. 在我国,暂缓起诉制度的研究算是一个崭新的命题,它既不同于我国刑法规定的缓刑制度,也不同于起诉和不起诉。
- Legislation and present judicial situation in foreign countries has important model significances for constructing the system of reprieve prosecution in our country. 国外的立法及司法现状对我国建立暂缓起诉制度具有重要的借鉴意义。
- A Pilot Discussion on Reprieve Prosecution 暂缓起诉制度初探
- Reprieving prosecution,one of free evaluation rights,is to meet the demand of economy prosecution and penal prevention,which has been adopted in many countries. 作为检察机关自由裁量权之一的暂缓起诉制度,符合诉讼经济以及刑事政策特别预防的要求,为世界上许多国家广泛采用。
- The prisoner won a last-minute reprieve. 那囚犯在临刑前获得了缓刑。
- reprieve prosecution 暂缓起诉
- Mr Smith acted as counsel for the prosecution. 史密斯先生担任原告的律师。
- Tony has brought a prosecution against them. 汤尼已对他们提出起诉。
- The prosecution tried to discredit their opponent in the case. 起诉方努力使诉讼案中的对手丧失名誉。
- A temporary immunity or exemption; a reprieve. 宽恕; 赦免临时性的豁免或免除; 缓期,暂减
- Legislative Design of Reprieving Prosecution System in China 我国暂缓起诉制度的立法设计初探
- Discussion on Establishment of Reprieving Prosecution in China 论暂缓起诉制度在我国的建立
- Failure to pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution. 不缴纳税款就可能被起诉。
- The prosecution based their case on the evidence of two witnesses. 原告方面以两名证人所提供的证据提起诉讼。
- The prosecution lawyer cross-examined the defence witness. 控方律师诘问被告一方的证人。
- Commutation is distinct from reprieve. 减刑不同于缓刑。
- In the prosecution of his duties, he had to interview people of all classes. 在履行职责的时候,他得会见各个阶级的人。
- Even this extra minute was a reprieve. 就这样多拖延一分钟也好象是一种缓刑。
- The film is a God-given reprieve. 这部影片是天赐的一个苟安时期。